Saves Record » SMFFFC » XXVI » 28

1/9/2018, 4:18:24 PM

Saver # Save # Timestamp Seconds
darkx 1 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 1 4:18:24 PM ---
darkx 2 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 1 4:18:24 PM 0s
darkx 3 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 2 5:54:14 PM 1h 35m 50s
darkx 4 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 2 5:54:14 PM 0s
darkx 5 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 1 6:54:27 PM 1h 13s
darkx 6 IRVINE KINNEAS (UNDEFINED) 1 6:54:27 PM 0s
darkx 7 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 1 8:11:51 PM 1h 17m 24s
darkx 8 CLYDE "SHADOW" ARROWNY (UNDEFINED) 1 8:13:29 PM 1m 38s
darkx 9 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 3 9:30:18 PM 1h 16m 49s
darkx 10 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 3 9:30:18 PM 0s
darkx 11 CLYDE "SHADOW" ARROWNY (UNDEFINED) 2 10:31:10 PM 1h 52s
darkx 12 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 2 10:31:10 PM 0s
darkx 13 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 4 12:27:44 AM 1h 56m 34s
darkx 14 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 4 12:27:44 AM 0s
darkx 15 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 2 1:29:40 AM 1h 1m 56s
darkx 16 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 3 1:29:40 AM 0s
darkx 17 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 5 7:25:57 AM 5h 56m 17s
darkx 18 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 5 7:25:57 AM 0s
darkx 19 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 4 10:04:03 AM 2h 38m 6s
darkx 20 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 6 10:06:53 AM 2m 50s
darkx 21 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 6 10:06:53 AM 0s
darkx 22 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 3 12:36:20 PM 2h 29m 27s
darkx 23 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 5 12:36:20 PM 0s
darkx 24 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 7 3:39:55 PM 3h 3m 35s
darkx 25 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 7 3:39:55 PM 0s
darkx 26 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 6 4:39:59 PM 1h 4s
darkx 27 KAIN HIGHWIND (UNDEFINED) 1 4:39:59 PM 0s
darkx 28 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 8 5:19:58 PM 39m 59s
darkx 29 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 8 5:19:58 PM 0s
darkx 30 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 7 6:23:02 PM 1h 3m 4s
darkx 31 CLYDE "SHADOW" ARROWNY (UNDEFINED) 3 6:23:02 PM 0s
darkx 32 RYDIA OF MIST (UNDEFINED) 1 7:27:37 PM 1h 4m 35s
darkx 33 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 9 7:28:52 PM 1m 15s
darkx 34 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 9 7:28:52 PM 0s
darkx 35 LAGUNA LOIRE (UNDEFINED) 1 8:29:34 PM 1h 42s
darkx 36 THEODOR "GOLBEZ" (UNDEFINED) 1 8:29:34 PM 0s
darkx 37 SABIN RENE FIGARO (UNDEFINED) 1 9:29:55 PM 1h 21s
darkx 39 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 10 9:33:12 PM 2m 49s
darkx 40 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 10 9:33:12 PM 0s
darkx 41 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 8 10:33:49 PM 1h 37s
darkx 43 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 11 10:07:44 AM 11h 33m 25s
darkx 44 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 11 10:07:44 AM 0s
darkx 45 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 9 12:40:37 PM 2h 32m 53s
darkx 47 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 10 3:38:18 PM 2h 57m 41s
darkx 48 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 12 3:38:18 PM 0s
darkx 49 SABIN RENE FIGARO (UNDEFINED) 2 6:09:02 PM 2h 30m 44s
darkx 50 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 11 6:09:02 PM 0s
darkx 51 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 12 7:57:16 PM 1h 48m 14s
darkx 52 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 12 7:57:16 PM 0s
darkx 53 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 13 9:55:55 PM 1h 58m 39s
darkx 54 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 13 9:55:55 PM 0s
darkx 55 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 14 12:24:24 AM 2h 28m 29s
darkx 56 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 14 12:24:24 AM 0s
darkx 57 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 15 6:16:46 AM 5h 52m 22s
darkx 58 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 15 10:07:39 AM 3h 50m 53s
darkx 59 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 16 12:36:52 PM 2h 29m 13s
darkx 60 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 17 3:39:33 PM 3h 2m 41s
darkx 61 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 7 4:57:00 PM 1h 17m 27s
darkx 62 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 18 5:49:43 PM 52m 43s
darkx 63 TERRA BRANFORD (UNDEFINED) 1 7:20:24 PM 1h 30m 41s
darkx 64 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 19 7:56:37 PM 36m 13s
darkx 65 CLOUD STRIFE (UNDEFINED) 1 9:26:24 PM 1h 29m 47s
darkx 66 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 20 10:24:12 PM 57m 48s
darkx 67 AERIS GAINSBOROUGH (UNDEFINED) 1 11:41:13 PM 1h 17m 1s
darkx 68 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 21 12:23:36 AM 42m 23s
darkx 69 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 22 6:13:30 AM 5h 49m 54s
darkx 70 GILGAMESH (UNDEFINED) 1 10:06:11 AM 3h 52m 41s
darkx 71 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 23 12:34:30 PM 2h 28m 19s
darkx 72 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 24 3:37:23 PM 3h 2m 53s
darkx 73 LAGUNA LOIRE (UNDEFINED) 2 6:09:58 PM 2h 32m 35s
darkx 74 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 25 6:40:40 PM 30m 42s
darkx 75 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 8 7:43:18 PM 1h 2m 38s
darkx 76 THEODOR "GOLBEZ" (UNDEFINED) 2 8:44:14 PM 1h 56s
darkx 77 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 26 9:39:05 PM 54m 51s
darkx 78 CELES CHERE (UNDEFINED) 1 10:39:18 PM 1h 13s
darkx 79 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 9 11:52:52 PM 1h 13m 34s
darkx 80 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 27 12:48:16 AM 55m 24s
darkx 81 THEODOR "GOLBEZ" (UNDEFINED) 3 1:52:32 AM 1h 4m 16s
darkx 82 CELES CHERE (UNDEFINED) 2 3:01:28 AM 1h 8m 56s
darkx 83 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 28 10:43:48 AM 7h 42m 20s
darkx 84 CELES CHERE (UNDEFINED) 3 11:53:05 AM 1h 9m 17s
darkx 85 THEODOR "GOLBEZ" (UNDEFINED) 4 12:54:02 PM 1h 57s
darkx 86 SABIN RENE FIGARO (UNDEFINED) 3 2:05:06 PM 1h 11m 4s
darkx 87 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 29 2:43:39 PM 38m 33s
darkx 88 LAGUNA LOIRE (UNDEFINED) 3 3:54:50 PM 1h 11m 11s
darkx 89 GILGAMESH (UNDEFINED) 2 4:55:36 PM 1h 46s
darkx 90 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 30 5:53:28 PM 57m 52s
darkx 91 SABIN RENE FIGARO (UNDEFINED) 4 6:54:28 PM 1h 1m
darkx 92 KEFKA PALAZZO (UNDEFINED) 1 8:09:25 PM 1h 14m 57s
darkx 93 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 31 8:28:50 PM 19m 25s
darkx 94 CELES CHERE (UNDEFINED) 4 9:29:53 PM 1h 1m 3s
darkx 95 KEFKA PALAZZO (UNDEFINED) 2 10:31:45 PM 1h 1m 52s
darkx 96 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 32 10:34:45 PM 3m
darkx 97 LAGUNA LOIRE (UNDEFINED) 4 11:35:39 PM 1h 54s
darkx 98 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 33 10:11:29 AM 10h 35m 50s
darkx 99 GILGAMESH (UNDEFINED) 3 11:12:25 AM 1h 56s
darkx 100 KEFKA PALAZZO (UNDEFINED) 3 12:13:15 PM 1h 50s
darkx 101 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 34 12:54:16 PM 41m 1s
darkx 102 KEFKA PALAZZO (UNDEFINED) 4 1:55:14 PM 1h 58s
darkx 103 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 13 5:21:20 PM 291h 26m 6s
darkx 104 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 14 8:46:54 PM 3h 25m 34s
darkx 105 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 15 12:18:46 AM 3h 31m 52s
darkx 106 ROSA JOANNA FARRELL (UNDEFINED) 1 10:40:57 AM 10h 22m 11s
darkx 107 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 10 10:46:28 AM 5m 31s
darkx 108 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 16 12:09:38 PM 1h 23m 10s
darkx 109 GALUF HALM BALDESION (UNDEFINED) 1 2:20:17 PM 2h 10m 39s
darkx 110 CID POLLENDINA (UNDEFINED) 1 2:20:30 PM 13s
darkx 111 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 17 2:21:42 PM 1m 12s
darkx 112 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 35 2:21:42 PM 0s
darkx 113 QUISTIS TREPE (UNDEFINED) 1 4:42:18 PM 2h 20m 36s
darkx 114 ROSA JOANNA FARRELL (UNDEFINED) 2 4:46:33 PM 4m 15s
darkx 115 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 18 5:01:22 PM 14m 49s
darkx 116 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 36 5:02:22 PM 1m
darkx 117 IRVINE KINNEAS (UNDEFINED) 2 7:37:00 PM 2h 34m 38s
darkx 118 EDEA KRAMER (UNDEFINED) 1 7:43:23 PM 6m 23s
darkx 119 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 19 7:45:02 PM 1m 39s
darkx 120 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 37 7:45:02 PM 0s
darkx 121 QUISTIS TREPE (UNDEFINED) 2 9:52:24 PM 2h 7m 22s
darkx 122 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 20 10:45:16 PM 52m 52s
darkx 123 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 38 10:45:16 PM 0s
darkx 124 IRVINE KINNEAS (UNDEFINED) 3 9:23:43 AM 10h 38m 27s
darkx 125 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 21 10:05:42 AM 41m 59s
darkx 126 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 39 10:05:42 AM 0s
darkx 127 LOCKE COLE (UNDEFINED) 1 11:37:33 AM 1h 31m 51s
darkx 128 IRVINE KINNEAS (UNDEFINED) 4 11:42:51 AM 5m 18s
darkx 129 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 22 1:05:21 PM 1h 22m 30s
darkx 130 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 40 1:35:33 PM 30m 12s
darkx 131 FREYA CRESCENT (UNDEFINED) 1 2:25:50 PM 50m 17s
darkx 132 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 23 3:12:14 PM 46m 24s
darkx 133 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 41 3:12:14 PM 0s
darkx 134 IRVINE KINNEAS (UNDEFINED) 5 4:18:51 PM 1h 6m 37s
darkx 135 RYDIA OF MIST (UNDEFINED) 2 4:21:08 PM 2m 17s
darkx 136 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 24 5:30:07 PM 1h 8m 59s
darkx 137 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 42 5:30:07 PM 0s
darkx 138 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 25 7:05:49 PM 1h 35m 42s
darkx 139 LOCKE COLE (UNDEFINED) 2 7:12:55 PM 7m 6s
darkx 140 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 43 8:51:17 PM 1h 38m 22s
darkx 141 ZELL DINCHT (UNDEFINED) 1 9:14:03 PM 22m 46s
darkx 142 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 26 9:57:17 PM 43m 14s
darkx 143 CELES CHERE (UNDEFINED) 5 9:57:17 PM 0s
darkx 144 LOCKE COLE (UNDEFINED) 3 11:51:07 PM 1h 53m 50s
darkx 145 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 44 11:51:07 PM 0s
darkx 146 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 27 8:28:03 AM 8h 36m 56s
darkx 147 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 45 8:28:03 AM 0s
darkx 148 CLYDE "SHADOW" ARROWNY (UNDEFINED) 4 9:29:38 AM 1h 1m 35s
darkx 149 IRVINE KINNEAS (UNDEFINED) 6 9:29:38 AM 0s
darkx 150 WIEGRAF FOLLES (UNDEFINED) 1 11:16:17 AM 1h 46m 39s
darkx 151 ZELL DINCHT (UNDEFINED) 2 11:16:17 AM 0s
darkx 152 BEATRIX (UNDEFINED) 1 12:28:26 PM 1h 12m 9s
darkx 153 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 28 12:29:43 PM 1m 17s
darkx 154 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 46 12:29:43 PM 0s
darkx 155 QUINA QUEN (UNDEFINED) 1 1:33:19 PM 1h 3m 36s
darkx 156 IRVINE KINNEAS (UNDEFINED) 7 1:33:19 PM 0s
darkx 157 WIEGRAF FOLLES (UNDEFINED) 2 2:33:24 PM 1h 5s
darkx 158 MELIADOUL TINGEL (UNDEFINED) 1 2:33:24 PM 0s
darkx 159 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 29 3:39:31 PM 1h 6m 7s
darkx 160 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 47 3:39:31 PM 0s
darkx 161 LEBLANC (UNDEFINED) 1 5:05:09 PM 1h 25m 38s
darkx 162 IRVINE KINNEAS (UNDEFINED) 8 5:05:09 PM 0s
darkx 163 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 30 5:52:53 PM 47m 44s
darkx 164 QUINA QUEN (UNDEFINED) 2 6:45:48 PM 52m 55s
darkx 165 ZIDANE TRIBAL (UNDEFINED) 1 7:21:09 PM 35m 21s
darkx 166 IRVINE KINNEAS (UNDEFINED) 9 7:46:35 PM 25m 26s
darkx 167 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 31 8:17:39 PM 31m 4s
darkx 168 ZIDANE TRIBAL (UNDEFINED) 2 8:19:13 PM 1m 34s
darkx 169 CLYDE "SHADOW" ARROWNY (UNDEFINED) 5 9:19:17 PM 1h 4s
darkx 170 IRVINE KINNEAS (UNDEFINED) 10 9:20:06 PM 49s
darkx 171 IRVINE KINNEAS (UNDEFINED) 11 6:15:22 AM 8h 55m 16s
darkx 172 LAGUNA LOIRE (UNDEFINED) 5 6:15:22 AM 0s
darkx 173 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 32 9:32:30 AM 3h 17m 8s
darkx 174 IRVINE KINNEAS (UNDEFINED) 12 9:42:20 AM 9m 50s
darkx 175 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 33 12:34:43 PM 2h 52m 23s
darkx 176 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 48 12:41:58 PM 7m 15s
darkx 177 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 34 2:04:49 PM 1h 22m 51s
darkx 178 FREYA CRESCENT (UNDEFINED) 2 3:10:41 PM 1h 5m 52s
darkx 179 GALUF HALM BALDESION (UNDEFINED) 2 4:11:13 PM 1h 32s
darkx 180 SABIN RENE FIGARO (UNDEFINED) 5 5:15:38 PM 1h 4m 25s
darkx 181 CLYDE "SHADOW" ARROWNY (UNDEFINED) 6 6:15:47 PM 1h 9s
darkx 182 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 35 6:16:37 PM 50s
darkx 183 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 49 7:17:22 PM 1h 45s
darkx 184 ZIDANE TRIBAL (UNDEFINED) 3 8:18:41 PM 1h 1m 19s
darkx 185 SABIN RENE FIGARO (UNDEFINED) 6 9:25:36 PM 1h 6m 55s
darkx 186 ZIDANE TRIBAL (UNDEFINED) 4 10:26:37 PM 1h 1m 1s
darkx 187 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 36 11:27:58 PM 1h 1m 21s
darkx 188 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 37 6:11:07 AM 6h 43m 9s
darkx 189 CLYDE "SHADOW" ARROWNY (UNDEFINED) 7 10:02:38 AM 3h 51m 31s
darkx 190 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 38 12:34:36 PM 2h 31m 58s
darkx 191 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 39 3:43:47 PM 3h 9m 11s
darkx 192 SELPHIE TILMITT (UNDEFINED) 1 6:50:05 PM 3h 6m 18s
darkx 193 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 40 7:09:53 PM 19m 48s
darkx 194 THEODOR "GOLBEZ" (UNDEFINED) 5 8:10:31 PM 1h 38s
darkx 195 LAGUNA LOIRE (UNDEFINED) 6 9:24:16 PM 1h 13m 45s
darkx 196 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 41 10:33:41 PM 1h 9m 25s
darkx 197 QUINA QUEN (UNDEFINED) 3 8:31:58 AM 9h 58m 17s
darkx 198 THEODOR "GOLBEZ" (UNDEFINED) 6 9:32:03 AM 1h 5s
darkx 199 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 42 9:34:28 AM 2m 25s
darkx 200 ZIDANE TRIBAL (UNDEFINED) 5 10:36:01 AM 1h 1m 33s
darkx 201 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 50 11:36:06 AM 1h 5s
darkx 202 LAGUNA LOIRE (UNDEFINED) 7 12:46:49 PM 1h 10m 43s
darkx 203 CELES CHERE (UNDEFINED) 6 1:08:11 PM 21m 22s
darkx 204 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 51 2:11:32 PM 1h 3m 21s
darkx 205 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 43 3:12:37 PM 1h 1m 5s
darkx 206 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 44 3:15:47 PM 3m 10s
darkx 207 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 52 4:18:40 PM 1h 2m 53s
darkx 208 LAGUNA LOIRE (UNDEFINED) 8 5:19:36 PM 1h 56s
darkx 209 KEFKA PALAZZO (UNDEFINED) 5 5:23:36 PM 4m
darkx 210 ZIDANE TRIBAL (UNDEFINED) 6 6:24:07 PM 1h 31s
darkx 211 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 45 7:24:25 PM 1h 18s
darkx 212 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 46 8:25:29 PM 1h 1m 4s
darkx 213 CELES CHERE (UNDEFINED) 7 9:26:26 PM 1h 57s
darkx 214 ZIDANE TRIBAL (UNDEFINED) 7 10:27:05 PM 1h 39s
darkx 215 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 47 11:13:32 PM 46m 27s
darkx 216 VIVI ORNITIER (UNDEFINED) 1 12:14:39 AM 1h 1m 7s
darkx 217 LEBLANC (UNDEFINED) 2 1:14:58 AM 1h 19s
darkx 218 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 53 2:16:21 AM 1h 1m 23s
darkx 219 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 48 2:27:28 AM 11m 7s
darkx 220 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 54 7:26:26 AM 4h 58m 58s
darkx 221 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 49 10:03:00 AM 2h 36m 34s
darkx 222 YUFFIE KISARAGI (UNDEFINED) 1 12:44:43 PM 2h 41m 43s
darkx 223 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 50 3:32:58 PM 2h 48m 15s
darkx 224 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 55 6:05:49 PM 2h 32m 51s
darkx 225 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 56 6:51:32 PM 45m 43s
darkx 226 AERIS GAINSBOROUGH (UNDEFINED) 2 8:50:07 PM 1h 58m 35s
darkx 227 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 57 8:52:31 PM 2m 24s
darkx 228 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 58 8:03:01 AM 11h 10m 30s
darkx 229 AERIS GAINSBOROUGH (UNDEFINED) 3 10:37:58 AM 2h 34m 57s
darkx 230 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 59 10:39:35 AM 1m 37s
darkx 231 CELES CHERE (UNDEFINED) 8 11:40:48 AM 1h 1m 13s
darkx 232 CELES CHERE (UNDEFINED) 9 12:41:59 PM 1h 1m 11s
darkx 233 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 60 1:42:03 PM 1h 4s
darkx 234 RAMZA BEOULVE (UNDEFINED) 1 2:22:05 PM 40m 2s
darkx 235 RAMZA BEOULVE (UNDEFINED) 2 3:27:01 AM 37h 4m 56s
darkx 236 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 51 12:04:29 AM 116h 37m 28s
darkx 237 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 52 8:27:30 AM 8h 23m 1s
darkx 238 IRVINE KINNEAS (UNDEFINED) 13 9:42:31 AM 1h 15m 1s
darkx 239 ZELL DINCHT (UNDEFINED) 3 10:43:54 AM 1h 1m 23s
darkx 240 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 53 1:15:32 PM 2h 31m 38s
darkx 241 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 61 1:15:32 PM 0s
darkx 242 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 54 4:43:26 PM 3h 27m 54s
darkx 243 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 62 4:43:26 PM 0s
darkx 244 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 63 11:04:57 PM 6h 21m 31s
darkx 245 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 55 11:04:57 PM 0s
darkx 246 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 56 10:19:39 AM 11h 14m 42s
darkx 247 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 64 10:19:39 AM 0s
darkx 248 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 57 1:38:41 PM 3h 19m 2s
darkx 249 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 65 1:38:41 PM 0s
darkx 250 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 66 4:45:01 PM 3h 6m 20s
darkx 251 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 58 4:45:01 PM 0s
darkx 252 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 59 8:28:31 PM 3h 43m 30s
darkx 253 IRVINE KINNEAS (UNDEFINED) 14 8:31:15 PM 2m 44s
darkx 254 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 67 9:56:04 PM 1h 24m 49s
darkx 255 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 60 9:56:04 PM 0s
darkx 256 IRVINE KINNEAS (UNDEFINED) 15 11:01:48 PM 1h 5m 44s
darkx 257 ZELL DINCHT (UNDEFINED) 4 11:01:48 PM 0s
darkx 258 ZELL DINCHT (UNDEFINED) 5 3:47:15 AM 4h 45m 27s
darkx 259 EDGAR RONI FIGARO (UNDEFINED) 1 3:47:15 AM 0s
darkx 260 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 61 4:48:45 AM 1h 1m 30s
darkx 261 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 68 4:48:45 AM 0s
darkx 262 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 62 11:29:35 AM 6h 40m 50s
darkx 263 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 69 11:29:35 AM 0s
darkx 264 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 70 1:51:28 PM 2h 21m 53s
darkx 265 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 63 1:51:28 PM 0s
darkx 266 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 71 4:30:25 PM 2h 38m 57s
darkx 267 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 64 4:30:25 PM 0s
darkx 268 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 65 6:32:29 PM 2h 2m 4s
darkx 269 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 72 6:32:29 PM 0s
darkx 270 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 73 9:00:07 PM 2h 27m 38s
darkx 271 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 66 9:00:07 PM 0s
darkx 272 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 67 11:45:11 PM 2h 45m 4s
darkx 273 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 74 11:45:11 PM 0s
darkx 274 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 75 12:35:17 PM 12h 50m 6s
darkx 275 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 68 12:35:17 PM 0s
darkx 276 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 69 6:39:56 PM 6h 4m 39s
darkx 277 ZELL DINCHT (UNDEFINED) 6 6:41:23 PM 1m 27s
darkx 278 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 76 7:40:49 PM 59m 26s
darkx 279 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 70 7:40:49 PM 0s
darkx 280 LAGUNA LOIRE (UNDEFINED) 9 9:15:09 PM 1h 34m 20s
darkx 281 ZELL DINCHT (UNDEFINED) 7 9:15:09 PM 0s
darkx 282 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 71 10:18:29 AM 13h 3m 20s
darkx 283 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 77 10:18:29 AM 0s
darkx 284 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 72 1:42:27 PM 3h 23m 58s
darkx 285 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 78 1:42:27 PM 0s
darkx 286 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 79 3:23:53 PM 1h 41m 26s
darkx 287 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 73 3:23:53 PM 0s
darkx 288 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 74 8:05:51 PM 4h 41m 58s
darkx 289 LAGUNA LOIRE (UNDEFINED) 10 6:34:42 AM 10h 28m 51s
darkx 290 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 75 10:04:20 AM 3h 29m 38s
darkx 291 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 80 12:45:49 PM 2h 41m 29s
darkx 292 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 76 3:31:46 PM 2h 45m 57s
darkx 293 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 77 7:55:15 PM 4h 23m 29s
darkx 294 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 81 9:16:14 PM 1h 20m 59s
darkx 295 LENNE (UNDEFINED) 1 11:17:48 PM 2h 1m 34s
darkx 296 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 78 11:24:28 PM 6m 40s
darkx 297 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 82 12:50:00 AM 1h 25m 32s
darkx 298 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 79 6:11:41 AM 5h 21m 41s
darkx 299 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 83 10:03:11 AM 3h 51m 30s
darkx 300 LAGUNA LOIRE (UNDEFINED) 11 12:37:42 PM 2h 34m 31s
darkx 301 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 80 3:38:44 PM 3h 1m 2s
darkx 302 SABIN RENE FIGARO (UNDEFINED) 7 5:31:01 PM 1h 52m 17s
darkx 303 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 81 6:24:18 PM 53m 17s
darkx 304 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 84 8:03:39 PM 1h 39m 21s
darkx 305 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 82 6:45:50 AM 10h 42m 11s
darkx 306 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 85 7:51:59 AM 1h 6m 9s
darkx 307 BEATRIX (UNDEFINED) 2 9:06:43 AM 1h 14m 44s
darkx 308 VINCENT VALENTINE (UNDEFINED) 1 10:06:58 AM 1h 15s
darkx 309 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 83 11:37:09 AM 1h 30m 11s
darkx 310 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 86 12:37:40 PM 1h 31s
darkx 311 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 84 3:52:08 PM 3h 14m 28s
darkx 312 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 85 5:09:38 PM 1h 17m 30s
darkx 313 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 87 6:12:33 PM 1h 2m 55s
darkx 314 VIVI ORNITIER (UNDEFINED) 2 7:16:45 PM 1h 4m 12s
darkx 315 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 86 7:39:46 PM 23m 1s
darkx 316 TIDUS (UNDEFINED) 1 9:38:19 PM 1h 58m 33s
darkx 317 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 87 10:14:03 PM 35m 44s
darkx 318 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 88 11:40:32 PM 1h 26m 29s
darkx 319 CLYDE "SHADOW" ARROWNY (UNDEFINED) 8 12:47:38 AM 1h 7m 6s
darkx 320 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 88 1:25:31 AM 37m 53s
darkx 321 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 89 8:35:52 AM 7h 10m 21s
darkx 322 ZIDANE TRIBAL (UNDEFINED) 8 9:46:12 AM 1h 10m 20s
darkx 323 VIVI ORNITIER (UNDEFINED) 3 10:46:23 AM 1h 11s
darkx 324 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 90 11:59:37 AM 1h 13m 14s
darkx 325 KEFKA PALAZZO (UNDEFINED) 6 1:55:44 PM 1h 56m 7s
darkx 326 VINCENT VALENTINE (UNDEFINED) 2 3:12:08 PM 1h 16m 24s
darkx 327 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 91 3:17:45 PM 5m 37s
darkx 328 VIVI ORNITIER (UNDEFINED) 4 4:18:30 PM 1h 45s
darkx 329 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 92 6:46:42 PM 2h 28m 12s
darkx 330 KEFKA PALAZZO (UNDEFINED) 7 7:48:04 PM 1h 1m 22s
darkx 331 LOCKE COLE (UNDEFINED) 4 9:00:56 PM 1h 12m 52s
darkx 332 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 93 9:10:56 PM 10m
darkx 333 VIVI ORNITIER (UNDEFINED) 5 10:12:18 PM 1h 1m 22s
darkx 334 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 89 11:31:48 PM 1h 19m 30s
darkx 335 CELES CHERE (UNDEFINED) 10 12:00:35 AM 28m 47s
darkx 336 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 94 1:02:48 AM 1h 2m 13s
darkx 337 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 90 2:05:44 AM 1h 2m 56s
darkx 338 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 95 3:33:25 AM 1h 27m 41s
darkx 339 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 91 9:43:05 AM 6h 9m 40s
darkx 340 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 96 10:16:39 AM 33m 34s
darkx 341 CELES CHERE (UNDEFINED) 11 11:20:47 AM 1h 4m 8s
darkx 342 VINCENT VALENTINE (UNDEFINED) 3 12:21:01 PM 1h 14s
darkx 343 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 92 12:50:46 PM 29m 45s
darkx 344 VINCENT VALENTINE (UNDEFINED) 4 2:18:06 PM 1h 27m 20s
darkx 345 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 93 2:58:37 PM 40m 31s
darkx 346 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 94 4:07:42 PM 1h 9m 5s
darkx 347 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 95 5:10:04 PM 1h 2m 22s
darkx 348 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 96 6:19:52 PM 1h 9m 48s
darkx 349 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 97 7:40:06 PM 1h 20m 14s
darkx 350 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 98 8:54:30 PM 1h 14m 24s
darkx 351 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 99 10:15:27 PM 1h 20m 57s
darkx 352 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 100 10:06:05 AM 11h 50m 38s
darkx 353 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 101 12:35:29 PM 2h 29m 24s
darkx 354 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 102 3:41:16 PM 3h 5m 47s
darkx 355 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 103 6:42:14 PM 3h 58s
darkx 356 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 104 7:57:03 PM 1h 14m 49s
darkx 357 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 16 7:33:08 PM 575h 36m 5s
darkx 358 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 17 12:54:00 PM 17h 20m 52s
darkx 359 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 105 2:13:44 PM 1h 19m 44s
darkx 360 CID POLLENDINA (UNDEFINED) 2 3:17:48 PM 1h 4m 4s
darkx 361 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 18 6:00:28 PM 2h 42m 40s
darkx 362 ZELL DINCHT (UNDEFINED) 8 7:54:08 PM 1h 53m 40s
darkx 363 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 106 9:03:31 PM 1h 9m 23s
darkx 364 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 107 2:10:16 PM 17h 6m 45s
darkx 365 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 19 2:10:16 PM 0s
darkx 366 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 108 6:13:36 PM 4h 3m 20s
darkx 367 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 20 6:13:36 PM 0s
darkx 368 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 109 10:59:42 PM 4h 46m 6s
darkx 369 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 21 10:59:42 PM 0s
darkx 370 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 110 9:53:57 AM 34h 54m 15s
darkx 371 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 22 9:53:57 AM 0s
darkx 372 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 111 3:39:10 PM 5h 45m 13s
darkx 373 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 23 3:39:10 PM 0s
darkx 374 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 112 7:46:43 PM 28h 7m 33s
darkx 375 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 24 7:46:43 PM 0s
darkx 376 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 113 10:50:55 PM 147h 4m 12s
darkx 377 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 1 4:23:46 PM 2297h 32m 51s
darkx 378 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 1 5:31:30 PM 1h 7m 44s
darkx 379 SIN & PUNISHMENT (UNDEFINED) 1 6:35:39 PM 1h 4m 9s
darkx 380 STYLE SAVVY (UNDEFINED) 1 7:39:35 PM 1h 3m 56s
darkx 381 MARIO SPORTS (UNDEFINED) 1 8:39:47 PM 1h 12s
darkx 382 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 2 9:18:08 PM 24h 38m 21s
darkx 383 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 2 10:18:47 PM 1h 39s
darkx 384 STYLE SAVVY (UNDEFINED) 2 11:21:50 PM 1h 3m 3s
darkx 385 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 3 2:34:42 PM 15h 12m 52s
darkx 386 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 1 3:59:55 PM 1h 25m 13s
darkx 387 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 3 5:21:47 PM 1h 21m 52s
darkx 388 STYLE SAVVY (UNDEFINED) 3 6:44:31 PM 1h 22m 44s
darkx 389 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 4 7:01:45 PM 24h 17m 14s
darkx 390 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 4 8:13:09 PM 1h 11m 24s
darkx 391 SIN & PUNISHMENT (UNDEFINED) 2 9:28:38 PM 1h 15m 29s
darkx 392 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 5 3:41:19 PM 18h 12m 41s
darkx 393 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 5 5:59:26 PM 2h 18m 7s
darkx 394 KID ICARUS (UNDEFINED) 1 6:59:34 PM 1h 8s
darkx 395 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 6 7:00:48 PM 24h 1m 14s
darkx 396 SUPER SMASH BROS. (UNDEFINED) 1 8:00:56 PM 1h 8s
darkx 397 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 6 9:31:18 PM 1h 30m 22s
darkx 398 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 7 7:23:25 PM 21h 52m 7s
darkx 399 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 7 8:32:18 PM 1h 8m 53s
darkx 400 SUPER SMASH BROS. (UNDEFINED) 2 9:33:44 PM 1h 1m 26s
darkx 401 MARIO SPORTS (UNDEFINED) 2 10:36:50 PM 1h 3m 6s
darkx 402 CHIBI-ROBO (UNDEFINED) 1 11:37:59 PM 1h 1m 9s
darkx 403 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 8 2:04:03 PM 14h 26m 4s
darkx 404 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 8 3:04:09 PM 1h 6s
darkx 405 WARIO (UNDEFINED) 1 4:10:44 PM 1h 6m 35s
darkx 406 CHIBI-ROBO (UNDEFINED) 2 5:26:12 PM 1h 15m 28s
darkx 407 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 9 8:29:06 PM 27h 2m 54s
darkx 408 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 9 10:07:40 PM 1h 38m 34s
darkx 409 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 10 3:36:06 PM 17h 28m 26s
darkx 410 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 10 6:01:50 PM 2h 25m 44s
darkx 411 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 11 7:03:25 PM 25h 1m 35s
darkx 412 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 11 7:03:51 PM 26s
darkx 413 POKEMON (UNDEFINED) 1 8:42:31 PM 1h 38m 40s
darkx 414 SUPER SMASH BROS. (UNDEFINED) 3 8:42:31 PM 0s
darkx 415 PUNCH-OUT!! (UNDEFINED) 1 9:46:41 PM 1h 4m 10s
darkx 416 RHYTHM HEAVEN (UNDEFINED) 1 9:57:52 PM 11m 11s
darkx 417 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 12 2:02:57 PM 16h 5m 5s
darkx 418 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 12 2:02:57 PM 0s
darkx 419 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 2 3:41:04 PM 1h 38m 7s
darkx 420 PUNCH-OUT!! (UNDEFINED) 2 3:41:04 PM 0s
darkx 421 WARIO (UNDEFINED) 2 6:47:12 PM 3h 6m 8s
darkx 422 NINTENDO WARS (UNDEFINED) 1 7:07:24 PM 20m 12s
darkx 423 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 13 7:10:21 PM 24h 2m 57s
darkx 424 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 13 7:10:21 PM 0s
darkx 425 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 14 7:13:13 PM 24h 2m 52s
darkx 426 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 14 7:13:13 PM 0s
darkx 427 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 3 8:24:15 PM 1h 11m 2s
darkx 428 PUNCH-OUT!! (UNDEFINED) 3 8:24:15 PM 0s
darkx 429 RHYTHM HEAVEN (UNDEFINED) 2 1:59:34 AM 5h 35m 19s
darkx 430 FIRE EMBLEM (UNDEFINED) 1 1:59:34 AM 0s
darkx 431 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 15 2:05:16 PM 12h 5m 42s
darkx 432 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 15 2:05:16 PM 0s
darkx 433 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 4 3:11:36 PM 1h 6m 20s
darkx 434 PUNCH-OUT!! (UNDEFINED) 4 3:11:36 PM 0s
darkx 435 MOTHER (UNDEFINED) 1 7:09:38 PM 3h 58m 2s
darkx 436 RHYTHM HEAVEN (UNDEFINED) 3 7:09:38 PM 0s
darkx 437 KID ICARUS (UNDEFINED) 2 8:09:54 PM 1h 16s
darkx 438 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 16 7:01:10 PM 22h 51m 16s
darkx 439 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 16 7:01:10 PM 0s
darkx 440 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 5 8:26:48 PM 1h 25m 38s
darkx 441 PUNCH-OUT!! (UNDEFINED) 5 8:26:48 PM 0s
darkx 442 XENOBLADE CHRONICLES (UNDEFINED) 1 9:47:40 PM 1h 20m 52s
darkx 443 KID ICARUS (UNDEFINED) 3 9:47:40 PM 0s
darkx 444 POKEMON MYSTERY DUNGEON (UNDEFINED) 1 11:43:58 PM 1h 56m 18s
darkx 445 METROID PRIME (UNDEFINED) 1 11:45:37 PM 1m 39s
darkx 446 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 17 3:33:58 PM 15h 48m 21s
darkx 447 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 17 3:33:58 PM 0s
darkx 448 ANIMAL CROSSING (UNDEFINED) 1 6:08:43 PM 2h 34m 45s
darkx 449 MOTHER (UNDEFINED) 2 6:43:44 PM 35m 1s
darkx 450 TRACE MEMORY (UNDEFINED) 1 7:27:31 PM 43m 47s
darkx 451 FIRE EMBLEM (UNDEFINED) 2 7:46:16 PM 18m 45s
darkx 452 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 18 7:11:22 PM 23h 25m 6s
darkx 453 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 18 7:11:22 PM 0s
darkx 454 MOTHER (UNDEFINED) 3 8:13:25 PM 1h 2m 3s
darkx 455 XENOBLADE CHRONICLES (UNDEFINED) 2 9:17:24 PM 1h 3m 59s
darkx 456 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 6 9:17:48 PM 24s
darkx 457 METROID PRIME (UNDEFINED) 2 10:59:47 PM 1h 41m 59s
darkx 458 TRACE MEMORY (UNDEFINED) 2 11:12:12 PM 12m 25s
darkx 459 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 19 3:33:29 PM 16h 21m 17s
darkx 460 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 19 3:33:29 PM 0s
darkx 461 METROID PRIME (UNDEFINED) 3 7:00:36 PM 27h 27m 7s
darkx 462 PUNCH-OUT!! (UNDEFINED) 6 7:00:36 PM 0s
darkx 463 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 20 8:01:05 PM 1h 29s
darkx 464 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 20 8:01:05 PM 0s
darkx 465 F-ZERO (UNDEFINED) 1 12:26:27 AM 4h 25m 22s
darkx 466 MARIO KART (UNDEFINED) 1 12:28:11 AM 1m 44s
darkx 467 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 21 7:11:34 PM 18h 43m 23s
darkx 468 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 21 8:14:15 PM 1h 2m 41s
darkx 469 XENOBLADE CHRONICLES (UNDEFINED) 3 9:16:57 PM 1h 2m 42s
darkx 470 STAR FOX (UNDEFINED) 1 10:42:47 PM 1h 25m 50s
darkx 471 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 7 11:45:44 PM 1h 2m 57s
darkx 472 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 22 2:00:54 PM 14h 15m 10s
darkx 473 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 22 3:09:08 PM 1h 8m 14s
darkx 474 F-ZERO (UNDEFINED) 2 4:09:09 PM 1h 1s
darkx 475 STAR FOX (UNDEFINED) 2 5:10:01 PM 1h 52s
darkx 476 FIRE EMBLEM (UNDEFINED) 3 6:36:49 PM 1h 26m 48s
darkx 477 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 23 7:02:25 PM 24h 25m 36s
darkx 478 SPLATOON (UNDEFINED) 23 8:05:33 PM 1h 3m 8s
darkx 479 XENOBLADE CHRONICLES (UNDEFINED) 4 9:12:58 PM 1h 7m 25s
darkx 480 METROID (UNDEFINED) 1 10:31:40 PM 1h 18m 42s
darkx 481 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 24 3:37:58 PM 17h 6m 18s
darkx 482 POKEMON (UNDEFINED) 2 6:51:54 PM 3h 13m 56s
darkx 483 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 25 7:01:48 PM 24h 9m 54s
darkx 484 WARIO (UNDEFINED) 3 9:14:15 PM 2h 12m 27s
darkx 485 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 8 10:16:44 PM 1h 2m 29s
darkx 486 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 26 3:38:17 PM 17h 21m 33s
darkx 487 SUPER MARIO (UNDEFINED) 1 5:59:06 PM 2h 20m 49s
darkx 488 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 27 7:02:20 PM 25h 3m 14s
darkx 489 STAR FOX (UNDEFINED) 3 10:11:42 PM 3h 9m 22s
darkx 490 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 28 7:38:29 PM 21h 26m 47s
darkx 491 SUPER SMASH BROS. (UNDEFINED) 4 8:45:05 PM 1h 6m 36s
darkx 492 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 29 2:11:56 PM 17h 26m 51s
darkx 493 ANIMAL CROSSING (UNDEFINED) 2 4:15:18 PM 2h 3m 22s
darkx 494 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 30 7:02:16 PM 26h 46m 58s
darkx 495 ANIMAL CROSSING (UNDEFINED) 3 8:18:04 PM 1h 15m 48s
darkx 496 POKEMON (UNDEFINED) 3 9:20:37 PM 1h 2m 33s
darkx 497 DONKEY KONG (UNDEFINED) 1 10:32:27 PM 1h 11m 50s
darkx 498 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 31 3:34:18 PM 17h 1m 51s
darkx 499 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 32 7:15:48 PM 27h 41m 30s
darkx 500 STAR FOX (UNDEFINED) 4 8:21:31 PM 1h 5m 43s
darkx 501 MOTHER (UNDEFINED) 4 9:28:41 PM 1h 7m 10s
darkx 502 ANIMAL CROSSING (UNDEFINED) 4 10:36:06 PM 1h 7m 25s
darkx 503 GOLDEN SUN (UNDEFINED) 33 3:40:12 PM 17h 4m 6s
darkx 504 SUPER SMASH BROS. (UNDEFINED) 5 11:29:54 PM 55h 49m 42s
darkx 505 POKEMON (UNDEFINED) 4 3:50:00 PM 16h 20m 6s
darkx 506 POKEMON (UNDEFINED) 5 7:29:42 PM 27h 39m 42s
darkx 507 SUPER SMASH BROS. (UNDEFINED) 6 7:43:49 PM 24h 14m 7s
darkx 508 SUPER SMASH BROS. (UNDEFINED) 7 10:44:49 PM 3h 1m
darkx 509 OERBA YUN FANG (UNDEFINED) 1 6:12:17 PM 2443h 27m 28s
darkx 510 OERBA YUN FANG (UNDEFINED) 2 9:09:38 PM 26h 57m 21s
darkx 511 OERBA YUN FANG (UNDEFINED) 3 10:33:08 PM 1h 23m 30s
darkx 512 OERBA YUN FANG (UNDEFINED) 4 11:11:54 AM 12h 38m 46s
darkx 513 OERBA YUN FANG (UNDEFINED) 5 2:09:08 PM 2h 57m 14s
darkx 514 OERBA YUN FANG (UNDEFINED) 6 3:43:01 PM 1h 33m 53s
darkx 515 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 114 10:05:46 PM 22m 45s
darkx 516 ISAAC (UNDEFINED) 1 10:05:46 PM 0s
darkx 517 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 1 10:05:46 PM 0s
darkx 518 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 9 10:05:46 PM 0s
darkx 519 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 10 1:26:46 AM 3h 21m
darkx 520 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 1 1:26:46 AM 0s
darkx 521 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 2 1:26:46 AM 0s
darkx 522 ISAAC (UNDEFINED) 2 1:27:53 AM 1m 7s
darkx 523 ISAAC (UNDEFINED) 3 5:59:46 PM 16h 31m 53s
darkx 524 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 1 5:59:46 PM 0s
darkx 525 IKE (UNDEFINED) 1 5:59:46 PM 0s
darkx 526 SHOVEL KNIGHT (UNDEFINED) 1 5:59:46 PM 0s
darkx 527 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 11 8:13:30 PM 2h 13m 44s
darkx 528 ISAAC (UNDEFINED) 4 8:13:30 PM 0s
darkx 529 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 1 8:13:30 PM 0s
darkx 530 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 3 8:13:30 PM 0s
darkx 531 MILES EDGEWORTH (UNDEFINED) 1 11:40:18 PM 3h 26m 48s
darkx 532 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 12 11:40:18 PM 0s
darkx 533 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 4 11:40:18 PM 0s
darkx 534 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 2 11:41:58 PM 1m 40s
darkx 535 CECIL HARVEY (UNDEFINED) 1 8:10:13 AM 32h 28m 15s
darkx 536 IKE (UNDEFINED) 2 8:10:13 AM 0s
darkx 537 RIKU (UNDEFINED) 1 8:10:13 AM 0s
darkx 538 KEFKA PALAZZO (UNDEFINED) 8 9:44:58 AM 1h 34m 45s
darkx 539 SORA (UNDEFINED) 1 9:44:58 AM 0s
darkx 540 RYU (UNDEFINED) 1 9:44:58 AM 0s
darkx 541 RYO HAZUKI (UNDEFINED) 1 8:09:14 PM 10h 24m 16s
darkx 542 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 2 8:11:09 PM 1m 55s
darkx 543 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 5 8:11:09 PM 0s
darkx 544 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 3 8:11:09 PM 0s
darkx 545 FROG (UNDEFINED) 1 10:48:40 PM 2h 37m 31s
darkx 546 MARIO (UNDEFINED) 1 10:48:40 PM 0s
darkx 547 RYU (UNDEFINED) 2 10:48:40 PM 0s
darkx 548 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 2 12:46:03 AM 1h 57m 23s
darkx 549 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 6 12:46:03 AM 0s
darkx 550 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 3 12:46:03 AM 0s
darkx 551 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 4 10:08:48 AM 9h 22m 45s
darkx 552 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 4 10:08:48 AM 0s
darkx 553 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 7 10:08:48 AM 0s
darkx 554 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 5 12:14:14 PM 2h 5m 26s
darkx 555 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 8 12:14:14 PM 0s
darkx 556 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 5 12:14:14 PM 0s
darkx 557 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 1 3:52:54 PM 3h 38m 40s
darkx 558 PIKACHU (UNDEFINED) 1 3:52:54 PM 0s
darkx 559 SHOVEL KNIGHT (UNDEFINED) 2 3:52:54 PM 0s
darkx 560 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 6 3:59:04 PM 6m 10s
darkx 561 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 9 3:59:04 PM 0s
darkx 562 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 6 3:59:04 PM 0s
darkx 563 GODOT (UNDEFINED) 1 5:06:13 PM 1h 7m 9s
darkx 564 FROG (UNDEFINED) 2 5:06:13 PM 0s
darkx 565 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 3 5:06:13 PM 0s
darkx 566 RIKU (UNDEFINED) 2 6:07:09 PM 1h 56s
darkx 567 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 2 6:07:09 PM 0s
darkx 568 SHOVEL KNIGHT (UNDEFINED) 3 6:07:09 PM 0s
darkx 569 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 7 7:51:46 PM 1h 44m 37s
darkx 570 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 10 7:51:46 PM 0s
darkx 571 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 7 7:51:46 PM 0s
darkx 572 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 1 9:30:03 PM 1h 38m 17s
darkx 573 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 3 9:30:03 PM 0s
darkx 574 SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG (UNDEFINED) 1 9:30:03 PM 0s
darkx 575 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 11 11:01:44 PM 1h 31m 41s
darkx 576 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 8 11:01:44 PM 0s
darkx 577 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 4 11:02:46 PM 1m 2s
darkx 578 RIKU (UNDEFINED) 3 12:09:52 AM 1h 7m 6s
darkx 579 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 13 12:09:52 AM 0s
darkx 580 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 2 12:09:52 AM 0s
darkx 581 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 8 1:58:08 AM 1h 48m 16s
darkx 582 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 12 1:58:08 AM 0s
darkx 583 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 9 1:58:08 AM 0s
darkx 584 FROG (UNDEFINED) 3 3:08:13 AM 1h 10m 5s
darkx 585 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 115 3:08:13 AM 0s
darkx 586 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 14 3:08:13 AM 0s
darkx 587 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 9 9:49:51 AM 6h 41m 38s
darkx 588 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 13 9:49:51 AM 0s
darkx 589 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 10 9:49:51 AM 0s
darkx 590 MAGUS (UNDEFINED) 1 11:16:12 AM 1h 26m 21s
darkx 591 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 3 11:16:12 AM 0s
darkx 592 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 5 11:16:12 AM 0s
darkx 593 MARIO (UNDEFINED) 2 12:17:50 PM 1h 1m 38s
darkx 594 MEGA MAN (UNDEFINED) 1 12:17:50 PM 0s
darkx 595 SHOVEL KNIGHT (UNDEFINED) 4 12:17:50 PM 0s
darkx 596 IKE (UNDEFINED) 3 1:19:56 PM 1h 2m 6s
darkx 597 PIKACHU (UNDEFINED) 2 1:19:56 PM 0s
darkx 598 SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (UNDEFINED) 1 1:19:56 PM 0s
darkx 599 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 10 2:07:33 PM 47m 37s
darkx 600 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 14 2:07:33 PM 0s
darkx 601 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 11 2:07:33 PM 0s
darkx 602 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 4 3:38:03 PM 1h 30m 30s
darkx 603 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 6 3:38:03 PM 0s
darkx 604 SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG (UNDEFINED) 2 3:38:03 PM 0s
darkx 605 CECIL HARVEY (UNDEFINED) 2 4:46:56 PM 1h 8m 53s
darkx 606 WALUIGI (UNDEFINED) 1 4:46:56 PM 0s
darkx 607 SHOVEL KNIGHT (UNDEFINED) 5 4:46:56 PM 0s
darkx 608 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 15 4:57:20 PM 10m 24s
darkx 609 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 12 4:57:20 PM 0s
darkx 610 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 7 4:57:20 PM 0s
darkx 611 SHOVEL KNIGHT (UNDEFINED) 6 6:44:01 PM 1h 46m 41s
darkx 612 AERIS GAINSBOROUGH (UNDEFINED) 4 6:44:01 PM 0s
darkx 613 BAYONETTA (UNDEFINED) 1 6:44:01 PM 0s
darkx 614 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 16 7:07:02 PM 23m 1s
darkx 615 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 11 7:07:02 PM 0s
darkx 616 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 13 7:07:43 PM 41s
darkx 617 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 17 9:27:52 PM 2h 20m 9s
darkx 618 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 14 9:27:52 PM 0s
darkx 619 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 8 9:28:47 PM 55s
darkx 620 FROG (UNDEFINED) 4 10:34:23 PM 1h 5m 36s
darkx 621 RIKU (UNDEFINED) 4 10:34:23 PM 0s
darkx 622 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 15 10:34:23 PM 0s
darkx 623 MAGUS (UNDEFINED) 2 11:40:04 PM 1h 5m 41s
darkx 624 SHOVEL KNIGHT (UNDEFINED) 7 11:40:04 PM 0s
darkx 625 SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG (UNDEFINED) 3 11:40:04 PM 0s
darkx 626 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 4 12:01:45 AM 21m 41s
darkx 627 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 18 12:01:45 AM 0s
darkx 628 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 16 12:01:45 AM 0s
darkx 629 GODOT (UNDEFINED) 2 1:04:32 AM 1h 2m 47s
darkx 630 FROG (UNDEFINED) 5 1:04:32 AM 0s
darkx 631 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 9 1:04:32 AM 0s
darkx 632 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 10 7:29:21 AM 6h 24m 49s
darkx 633 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 19 7:29:21 AM 0s
darkx 634 SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG (UNDEFINED) 4 7:29:21 AM 0s
darkx 635 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 5 10:02:55 AM 2h 33m 34s
darkx 636 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 20 10:02:55 AM 0s
darkx 637 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 12 10:02:55 AM 0s
darkx 638 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 11 12:36:58 PM 2h 34m 3s
darkx 639 SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG (UNDEFINED) 5 12:36:58 PM 0s
darkx 640 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 15 12:36:58 PM 0s
darkx 641 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 5 3:32:26 PM 2h 55m 28s
darkx 642 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 21 3:32:26 PM 0s
darkx 643 IKE (UNDEFINED) 4 3:32:26 PM 0s
darkx 644 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 6 3:40:08 PM 7m 42s
darkx 645 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 22 3:40:08 PM 0s
darkx 646 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 16 3:40:08 PM 0s
darkx 647 MAGUS (UNDEFINED) 3 6:32:36 PM 2h 52m 28s
darkx 648 IKE (UNDEFINED) 5 6:32:36 PM 0s
darkx 649 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 12 6:32:36 PM 0s
darkx 650 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 7 7:42:09 PM 1h 9m 33s
darkx 651 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 17 7:42:09 PM 0s
darkx 652 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 23 7:42:09 PM 0s
darkx 653 BAYONETTA (UNDEFINED) 2 8:53:17 PM 1h 11m 8s
darkx 654 MEGA MAN (UNDEFINED) 2 8:53:17 PM 0s
darkx 655 PIKACHU (UNDEFINED) 3 8:53:17 PM 0s
darkx 656 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 18 8:56:28 PM 3m 11s
darkx 657 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 24 8:56:28 PM 0s
darkx 658 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 13 9:02:29 PM 6m 1s
darkx 659 IKE (UNDEFINED) 6 10:17:43 PM 1h 15m 14s
darkx 660 SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (UNDEFINED) 2 10:17:43 PM 0s
darkx 661 WARIO (UNDEFINED) 4 10:23:31 PM 5m 48s
darkx 662 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 25 10:51:25 PM 27m 54s
darkx 663 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 19 10:51:25 PM 0s
darkx 664 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 14 10:51:38 PM 13s
darkx 665 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 17 11:56:03 PM 1h 4m 25s
darkx 666 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 6 11:56:03 PM 0s
darkx 667 SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG (UNDEFINED) 6 11:56:03 PM 0s
darkx 668 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 8 12:49:27 AM 53m 24s
darkx 669 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 26 12:49:42 AM 15s
darkx 670 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 20 12:49:42 AM 0s
darkx 671 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 27 10:11:33 AM 9h 21m 51s
darkx 672 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 21 10:11:33 AM 0s
darkx 673 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 15 10:11:33 AM 0s
darkx 674 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 22 12:38:07 PM 2h 26m 34s
darkx 675 MEGA MAN (UNDEFINED) 3 12:38:07 PM 0s
darkx 676 WARIO (UNDEFINED) 5 12:38:07 PM 0s
darkx 677 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 9 12:57:08 PM 19m 1s
darkx 678 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 28 12:57:08 PM 0s
darkx 679 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 23 12:57:08 PM 0s
darkx 680 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 10 3:35:22 PM 2h 38m 14s
darkx 681 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 13 3:35:22 PM 0s
darkx 682 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 29 3:35:22 PM 0s
darkx 683 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 11 5:18:57 PM 1h 43m 35s
darkx 684 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 30 5:18:57 PM 0s
darkx 685 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 24 5:18:57 PM 0s
darkx 686 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 31 6:01:47 PM 42m 50s
darkx 687 NATHAN DRAKE (UNDEFINED) 25 6:01:47 PM 0s
darkx 688 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 14 6:01:47 PM 0s
darkx 689 FROG (UNDEFINED) 6 7:39:13 PM 1h 37m 26s
darkx 690 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 18 7:39:13 PM 0s
darkx 691 SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG (UNDEFINED) 7 7:40:37 PM 1m 24s
darkx 692 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 12 8:44:26 PM 1h 3m 49s
darkx 693 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 15 8:44:26 PM 0s
darkx 694 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 32 8:44:26 PM 0s
darkx 695 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 13 3:03:10 PM 18h 18m 44s
darkx 696 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 33 3:03:10 PM 0s
darkx 697 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 14 6:01:24 PM 2h 58m 14s
darkx 698 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 34 6:01:24 PM 0s
darkx 699 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 19 7:59:00 PM 1h 57m 36s
darkx 700 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 7 7:59:00 PM 0s
darkx 701 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 15 8:08:33 PM 9m 33s
darkx 702 LLOYD IRVING (UNDEFINED) 35 8:08:33 PM 0s
darkx 703 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 116 9:46:47 PM 1h 38m 14s
darkx 704 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 8 9:46:47 PM 0s
darkx 705 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 16 5:49:36 AM 8h 2m 49s
darkx 706 SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG (UNDEFINED) 8 5:51:48 AM 2m 12s
darkx 707 IKE (UNDEFINED) 7 7:20:57 AM 1h 29m 9s
darkx 708 WARIO (UNDEFINED) 6 7:20:57 AM 0s
darkx 709 AMATERASU (UNDEFINED) 1 10:06:35 AM 2h 45m 38s
darkx 710 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 16 10:07:32 AM 57s
darkx 711 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 20 10:07:32 AM 0s
darkx 712 IKE (UNDEFINED) 8 12:59:37 PM 2h 52m 5s
darkx 713 PIKACHU (UNDEFINED) 4 12:59:37 PM 0s
darkx 714 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 17 3:36:53 PM 2h 37m 16s
darkx 715 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 21 3:36:53 PM 0s
darkx 716 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 9 6:00:49 PM 2h 23m 56s
darkx 717 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 17 6:00:49 PM 0s
darkx 718 PIKACHU (UNDEFINED) 5 7:15:56 PM 1h 15m 7s
darkx 719 WARIO (UNDEFINED) 7 7:15:56 PM 0s
darkx 720 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 18 7:37:30 PM 21m 34s
darkx 721 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 22 7:37:30 PM 0s
darkx 722 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 16 9:39:56 PM 2h 2m 26s
darkx 723 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 18 9:39:56 PM 0s
darkx 724 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 19 11:25:01 PM 1h 45m 5s
darkx 725 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 17 11:25:01 PM 0s
darkx 726 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 117 9:26:08 AM 10h 1m 7s
darkx 727 MILES EDGEWORTH (UNDEFINED) 2 9:26:08 AM 0s
darkx 728 FROG (UNDEFINED) 7 10:38:41 AM 1h 12m 33s
darkx 729 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 19 10:38:41 AM 0s
darkx 730 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 18 11:58:37 AM 1h 19m 56s
darkx 731 NESS (UNDEFINED) 1 11:58:37 AM 0s
darkx 732 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 20 1:01:15 PM 1h 2m 38s
darkx 733 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 23 1:01:15 PM 0s
darkx 734 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 19 2:22:41 PM 1h 21m 26s
darkx 735 FROG (UNDEFINED) 8 2:22:41 PM 0s
darkx 736 FROG (UNDEFINED) 9 4:26:31 PM 2h 3m 50s
darkx 737 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 20 4:26:31 PM 0s
darkx 738 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 21 5:19:48 PM 53m 17s
darkx 739 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 118 5:19:48 PM 0s
darkx 740 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 24 5:19:48 PM 0s
darkx 741 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 21 5:19:48 PM 0s
darkx 742 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 119 6:01:33 PM 41m 45s
darkx 743 FROG (UNDEFINED) 10 6:01:33 PM 0s
darkx 744 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 25 6:01:33 PM 0s
darkx 745 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 10 6:01:33 PM 0s
darkx 746 FROG (UNDEFINED) 11 6:32:42 PM 31m 9s
darkx 747 RIKU (UNDEFINED) 5 6:32:42 PM 0s
darkx 748 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 11 6:32:42 PM 0s
darkx 749 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 20 6:32:42 PM 0s
darkx 750 SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG (UNDEFINED) 9 7:15:54 PM 43m 12s
darkx 751 PIKACHU (UNDEFINED) 6 7:15:54 PM 0s
darkx 752 CECIL HARVEY (UNDEFINED) 3 7:15:54 PM 0s
darkx 753 WARIO (UNDEFINED) 8 7:15:54 PM 0s
darkx 754 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 26 7:57:38 PM 41m 44s
darkx 755 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 22 7:57:38 PM 0s
darkx 756 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 120 7:57:38 PM 0s
darkx 757 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 22 7:57:38 PM 0s
darkx 758 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 27 8:31:22 PM 33m 44s
darkx 759 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 121 8:31:22 PM 0s
darkx 760 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 12 8:31:22 PM 0s
darkx 761 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 21 8:31:22 PM 0s
darkx 762 FROG (UNDEFINED) 12 9:02:42 PM 31m 20s
darkx 763 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 28 9:02:42 PM 0s
darkx 764 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 22 9:02:42 PM 0s
darkx 765 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 13 9:02:42 PM 0s
darkx 766 FROG (UNDEFINED) 13 10:07:55 PM 1h 5m 13s
darkx 767 IKE (UNDEFINED) 9 10:07:55 PM 0s
darkx 768 PIKACHU (UNDEFINED) 7 10:07:55 PM 0s
darkx 769 SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG (UNDEFINED) 10 10:07:55 PM 0s
darkx 770 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 29 10:51:53 PM 43m 58s
darkx 771 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 23 10:51:53 PM 0s
darkx 772 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 23 10:51:53 PM 0s
darkx 773 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 122 10:51:53 PM 0s
darkx 774 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 24 8:22:36 AM 9h 30m 43s
darkx 775 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 30 8:22:36 AM 0s
darkx 776 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 123 8:22:36 AM 0s
darkx 777 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 24 8:22:36 AM 0s
darkx 778 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 25 9:07:47 AM 45m 11s
darkx 779 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 31 9:07:47 AM 0s
darkx 780 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 124 9:07:47 AM 0s
darkx 781 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 25 9:07:47 AM 0s
darkx 782 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 26 9:39:08 AM 31m 21s
darkx 783 FROG (UNDEFINED) 14 9:39:08 AM 0s
darkx 784 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 26 9:39:08 AM 0s
darkx 785 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 14 9:39:08 AM 0s
darkx 786 MAGUS (UNDEFINED) 4 10:54:26 AM 1h 15m 18s
darkx 787 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 23 10:54:26 AM 0s
darkx 788 PIKACHU (UNDEFINED) 8 10:54:26 AM 0s
darkx 789 GANONDORF (UNDEFINED) 1 10:55:04 AM 38s
darkx 790 TERRA BRANFORD (UNDEFINED) 2 11:29:05 AM 34m 1s
darkx 791 IKE (UNDEFINED) 10 11:29:05 AM 0s
darkx 792 WALUIGI (UNDEFINED) 2 11:29:05 AM 0s
darkx 793 WARIO (UNDEFINED) 9 11:29:05 AM 0s
darkx 794 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 27 12:03:40 PM 34m 35s
darkx 795 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 27 12:03:40 PM 0s
darkx 796 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 32 12:03:40 PM 0s
darkx 797 MILES EDGEWORTH (UNDEFINED) 3 1:06:21 PM 1h 2m 41s
darkx 798 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 125 1:06:21 PM 0s
darkx 799 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 33 1:06:21 PM 0s
darkx 800 FROG (UNDEFINED) 15 2:08:40 PM 1h 2m 19s
darkx 801 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 15 2:08:40 PM 0s
darkx 802 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 24 2:08:40 PM 0s
darkx 803 JILL VALENTINE (UNDEFINED) 1 3:22:22 PM 1h 13m 42s
darkx 804 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 28 3:24:15 PM 1m 53s
darkx 805 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 34 3:24:15 PM 0s
darkx 806 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 28 3:24:15 PM 0s
darkx 807 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 35 4:25:40 PM 1h 1m 25s
darkx 808 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 29 4:25:40 PM 0s
darkx 809 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 25 4:25:40 PM 0s
darkx 810 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 126 7:31:00 PM 3h 5m 20s
darkx 811 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 36 7:31:00 PM 0s
darkx 812 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 26 7:31:00 PM 0s
darkx 813 MILES EDGEWORTH (UNDEFINED) 4 8:31:37 PM 1h 37s
darkx 814 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 16 8:31:37 PM 0s
darkx 815 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 30 8:31:37 PM 0s
darkx 816 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 29 9:22:47 PM 51m 10s
darkx 817 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 37 9:22:47 PM 0s
darkx 818 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 31 9:22:47 PM 0s
darkx 819 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 17 10:39:36 PM 1h 16m 49s
darkx 820 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 27 10:39:36 PM 0s
darkx 821 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 32 10:39:36 PM 0s
darkx 822 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 30 12:12:31 AM 1h 32m 55s
darkx 823 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 38 12:12:31 AM 0s
darkx 824 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 33 12:12:31 AM 0s
darkx 825 FROG (UNDEFINED) 16 1:58:02 AM 1h 45m 31s
darkx 826 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 127 1:58:02 AM 0s
darkx 827 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 18 1:58:02 AM 0s
darkx 828 FROG (UNDEFINED) 17 3:10:18 AM 1h 12m 16s
darkx 829 RIKU (UNDEFINED) 6 3:10:18 AM 0s
darkx 830 KNUCKLES THE ECHIDNA (UNDEFINED) 1 3:10:18 AM 0s
darkx 831 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 31 3:49:52 AM 39m 34s
darkx 832 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 39 3:49:52 AM 0s
darkx 833 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 34 3:49:52 AM 0s
darkx 834 FROG (UNDEFINED) 18 8:14:42 AM 4h 24m 50s
darkx 835 MAGUS (UNDEFINED) 5 8:14:42 AM 0s
darkx 836 GANONDORF (UNDEFINED) 2 8:14:42 AM 0s
darkx 837 MEGA MAN X (UNDEFINED) 1 10:02:04 AM 1h 47m 22s
darkx 838 VELVET CROWE (UNDEFINED) 1 10:02:04 AM 0s
darkx 839 ALUCARD (UNDEFINED) 1 10:02:16 AM 12s
darkx 840 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 32 10:06:02 AM 3m 46s
darkx 841 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 40 10:06:02 AM 0s
darkx 842 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 35 10:06:02 AM 0s
darkx 843 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 33 11:28:08 AM 1h 22m 6s
darkx 844 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 41 11:28:08 AM 0s
darkx 845 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 28 11:28:08 AM 0s
darkx 846 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 19 1:33:44 PM 2h 5m 36s
darkx 847 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 29 1:33:44 PM 0s
darkx 848 PIKACHU (UNDEFINED) 9 1:33:44 PM 0s
darkx 849 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 34 1:51:19 PM 17m 35s
darkx 850 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 42 1:51:19 PM 0s
darkx 851 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 36 1:51:19 PM 0s
darkx 852 FROG (UNDEFINED) 19 2:53:31 PM 1h 2m 12s
darkx 853 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 20 2:53:31 PM 0s
darkx 854 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 30 2:53:31 PM 0s
darkx 855 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 128 4:03:55 PM 1h 10m 24s
darkx 856 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 37 4:03:55 PM 0s
darkx 857 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 21 4:03:55 PM 0s
darkx 858 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 35 5:33:50 PM 1h 29m 55s
darkx 859 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 43 5:33:50 PM 0s
darkx 860 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 38 5:33:50 PM 0s
darkx 861 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 44 7:32:01 PM 1h 58m 11s
darkx 862 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 129 7:32:01 PM 0s
darkx 863 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 22 7:32:01 PM 0s
darkx 864 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 23 8:33:57 PM 1h 1m 56s
darkx 865 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 31 8:33:57 PM 0s
darkx 866 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 130 8:33:57 PM 0s
darkx 867 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 36 10:19:35 PM 1h 45m 38s
darkx 868 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 131 10:19:35 PM 0s
darkx 869 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 45 10:19:35 PM 0s
darkx 870 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 46 11:29:14 PM 1h 9m 39s
darkx 871 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 24 11:29:14 PM 0s
darkx 872 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 32 11:29:14 PM 0s
darkx 873 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 47 6:16:38 AM 6h 47m 24s
darkx 874 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 25 6:16:38 AM 0s
darkx 875 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 39 6:16:38 AM 0s
darkx 876 FROG (UNDEFINED) 20 7:28:46 AM 1h 12m 8s
darkx 877 MAGUS (UNDEFINED) 6 7:28:46 AM 0s
darkx 878 GANONDORF (UNDEFINED) 3 7:28:46 AM 0s
darkx 879 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 37 10:04:43 AM 2h 35m 57s
darkx 880 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 48 10:04:43 AM 0s
darkx 881 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 132 10:04:43 AM 0s
darkx 882 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 49 12:40:29 PM 2h 35m 46s
darkx 883 SHANTAE (UNDEFINED) 40 12:40:29 PM 0s
darkx 884 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 33 12:51:54 PM 11m 25s
darkx 885 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 50 6:01:58 PM 5h 10m 4s
darkx 886 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 38 6:43:38 PM 41m 40s
darkx 887 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 51 7:16:06 PM 32m 28s
darkx 888 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 133 8:06:51 PM 50m 45s
darkx 889 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 39 8:35:26 PM 28m 35s
darkx 890 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 52 9:24:06 PM 48m 40s
darkx 891 GANONDORF (UNDEFINED) 4 9:57:32 PM 33m 26s
darkx 892 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 40 10:11:45 PM 14m 13s
darkx 893 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 53 10:56:53 PM 45m 8s
darkx 894 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 134 11:29:03 PM 32m 10s
darkx 895 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 41 12:54:05 AM 1h 25m 2s
darkx 896 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 54 1:36:58 AM 42m 53s
darkx 897 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 34 2:10:41 AM 33m 43s
darkx 898 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 42 2:42:07 AM 31m 26s
darkx 899 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 55 2:42:07 AM 0s
darkx 900 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 135 7:31:36 AM 4h 49m 29s
darkx 901 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 35 7:31:36 AM 0s
darkx 902 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 43 6:05:09 PM 10h 33m 33s
darkx 903 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 56 6:05:09 PM 0s
darkx 904 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 136 7:08:55 PM 1h 3m 46s
darkx 905 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 57 7:08:55 PM 0s
darkx 906 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 58 10:30:19 PM 3h 21m 24s
darkx 907 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 137 10:32:25 PM 2m 6s
darkx 908 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 44 6:17:49 AM 7h 45m 24s
darkx 909 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 59 6:17:49 AM 0s
darkx 910 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 45 12:47:20 PM 6h 29m 31s
darkx 911 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 60 12:47:20 PM 0s
darkx 912 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 61 3:45:46 PM 2h 58m 26s
darkx 913 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 138 3:45:46 PM 0s
darkx 914 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 46 5:59:54 PM 2h 14m 8s
darkx 915 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 62 5:59:54 PM 0s
darkx 916 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 63 7:01:25 PM 1h 1m 31s
darkx 917 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 139 7:01:25 PM 0s
darkx 918 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 140 8:30:52 PM 1h 29m 27s
darkx 919 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 64 8:30:52 PM 0s
darkx 920 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 47 10:46:21 PM 2h 15m 29s
darkx 921 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 65 10:46:21 PM 0s
darkx 922 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 141 1:02:56 AM 2h 16m 35s
darkx 923 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 66 1:02:56 AM 0s
darkx 924 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 142 10:08:25 AM 9h 5m 29s
darkx 925 MILES EDGEWORTH (UNDEFINED) 5 10:08:25 AM 0s
darkx 926 FROG (UNDEFINED) 21 11:08:39 AM 1h 14s
darkx 927 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 143 11:08:39 AM 0s
darkx 928 FROG (UNDEFINED) 22 12:11:19 PM 1h 2m 40s
darkx 929 GANONDORF (UNDEFINED) 5 12:11:19 PM 0s
darkx 930 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 48 1:18:57 PM 1h 7m 38s
darkx 931 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 67 1:18:57 PM 0s
darkx 932 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 49 2:49:32 PM 1h 30m 35s
darkx 933 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 68 2:49:32 PM 0s
darkx 934 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 69 4:19:30 PM 1h 29m 58s
darkx 935 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 144 4:19:30 PM 0s
darkx 936 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 70 6:59:58 PM 2h 40m 28s
darkx 937 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 145 6:59:58 PM 0s
darkx 938 MILES EDGEWORTH (UNDEFINED) 6 8:03:19 PM 1h 3m 21s
darkx 939 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 71 8:03:19 PM 0s
darkx 940 GODOT (UNDEFINED) 3 9:15:01 PM 1h 11m 42s
darkx 941 ZERO (UNDEFINED) 1 9:15:01 PM 0s
darkx 942 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 50 9:41:43 PM 26m 42s
darkx 943 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 72 9:41:43 PM 0s
darkx 944 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 51 10:43:06 PM 1h 1m 23s
darkx 945 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 73 10:43:06 PM 0s
darkx 946 MILES EDGEWORTH (UNDEFINED) 7 12:33:33 AM 1h 50m 27s
darkx 947 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 146 12:33:33 AM 0s
darkx 948 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 147 8:49:03 AM 8h 15m 30s
darkx 949 MILES EDGEWORTH (UNDEFINED) 8 8:49:14 AM 11s
darkx 950 FROG (UNDEFINED) 23 9:57:13 AM 1h 7m 59s
darkx 951 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 148 9:57:13 AM 0s
darkx 952 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 52 10:34:33 AM 37m 20s
darkx 953 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 74 10:34:33 AM 0s
darkx 954 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 149 11:39:21 AM 1h 4m 48s
darkx 955 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 75 11:39:21 AM 0s
darkx 956 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 150 12:39:33 PM 1h 12s
darkx 957 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 76 12:39:33 PM 0s
darkx 958 YOSHI (UNDEFINED) 1 3:33:23 PM 2h 53m 50s
darkx 959 MASTER HAND (UNDEFINED) 1 3:33:23 PM 0s
darkx 960 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 53 3:35:06 PM 1m 43s
darkx 961 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 77 3:35:06 PM 0s
darkx 962 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 78 6:53:42 PM 3h 18m 36s
darkx 963 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 151 6:53:42 PM 0s
darkx 964 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 54 7:49:30 PM 55m 48s
darkx 965 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 79 7:49:30 PM 0s
darkx 966 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 80 8:56:58 PM 1h 7m 28s
darkx 967 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 152 8:56:58 PM 0s
darkx 968 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 81 10:03:14 PM 1h 6m 16s
darkx 969 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 153 10:03:14 PM 0s
darkx 970 PHOENIX WRIGHT (UNDEFINED) 1 11:06:06 PM 1h 2m 52s
darkx 971 FROG (UNDEFINED) 24 11:06:06 PM 0s
darkx 972 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 55 11:32:47 PM 26m 41s
darkx 973 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 82 11:32:47 PM 0s
darkx 974 MILES EDGEWORTH (UNDEFINED) 9 12:50:05 AM 1h 17m 18s
darkx 975 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 154 12:50:05 AM 0s
darkx 976 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 155 1:51:57 AM 1h 1m 52s
darkx 977 FROG (UNDEFINED) 25 1:51:57 AM 0s
darkx 978 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 83 9:06:19 AM 7h 14m 22s
darkx 979 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 156 9:06:19 AM 0s
darkx 980 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 157 10:11:36 AM 1h 5m 17s
darkx 981 FROG (UNDEFINED) 26 10:11:36 AM 0s
darkx 982 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 56 11:23:01 AM 1h 11m 25s
darkx 983 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 84 11:23:01 AM 0s
darkx 984 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 57 12:30:38 PM 1h 7m 37s
darkx 985 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 85 12:30:38 PM 0s
darkx 986 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 86 1:31:05 PM 1h 27s
darkx 987 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 158 1:31:05 PM 0s
darkx 988 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 159 2:36:34 PM 1h 5m 29s
darkx 989 FROG (UNDEFINED) 27 2:36:34 PM 0s
darkx 990 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 58 3:47:33 PM 1h 10m 59s
darkx 991 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 87 3:47:33 PM 0s
darkx 992 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 160 5:06:27 PM 1h 18m 54s
darkx 993 MILES EDGEWORTH (UNDEFINED) 10 5:06:27 PM 0s
darkx 994 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 161 6:15:06 PM 1h 8m 39s
darkx 995 MILES EDGEWORTH (UNDEFINED) 11 6:15:06 PM 0s
darkx 996 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 59 6:51:00 PM 35m 54s
darkx 997 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 88 6:51:00 PM 0s
darkx 998 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 89 8:05:08 PM 1h 14m 8s
darkx 999 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 162 8:05:08 PM 0s
darkx 1000 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 90 9:32:57 PM 1h 27m 49s
darkx 1001 MILES EDGEWORTH (UNDEFINED) 12 9:32:57 PM 0s
darkx 1002 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 91 10:17:33 PM 44m 36s
darkx 1003 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 60 10:17:33 PM 0s
darkx 1004 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 92 11:26:47 PM 1h 9m 14s
darkx 1005 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 163 11:26:47 PM 0s
darkx 1006 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 61 8:15:43 AM 8h 48m 56s
darkx 1007 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 93 8:15:43 AM 0s
darkx 1008 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 62 9:55:27 AM 1h 39m 44s
darkx 1009 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 94 9:55:27 AM 0s
darkx 1010 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 63 10:55:42 AM 1h 15s
darkx 1011 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 95 10:55:42 AM 0s
darkx 1012 FROG (UNDEFINED) 28 11:59:38 AM 1h 3m 56s
darkx 1013 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 164 11:59:38 AM 0s
darkx 1014 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 64 12:31:08 PM 31m 30s
darkx 1015 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 96 12:31:08 PM 0s
darkx 1016 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 65 1:40:49 PM 1h 9m 41s
darkx 1017 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 97 1:40:49 PM 0s
darkx 1018 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 165 2:55:43 PM 1h 14m 54s
darkx 1019 FROG (UNDEFINED) 29 2:55:43 PM 0s
darkx 1020 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 66 3:03:34 PM 7m 51s
darkx 1021 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 98 3:03:34 PM 0s
darkx 1022 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 67 4:33:47 PM 1h 30m 13s
darkx 1023 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 99 4:33:47 PM 0s
darkx 1024 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 100 5:56:50 PM 1h 23m 3s
darkx 1025 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 166 5:56:50 PM 0s
darkx 1026 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 68 6:45:54 PM 49m 4s
darkx 1027 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 101 6:45:54 PM 0s
darkx 1028 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 69 8:35:05 PM 1h 49m 11s
darkx 1029 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 102 8:35:05 PM 0s
darkx 1030 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 70 9:51:41 PM 1h 16m 36s
darkx 1031 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 167 9:51:41 PM 0s
darkx 1032 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 103 9:56:51 PM 5m 10s
darkx 1033 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 71 9:56:51 PM 0s
darkx 1034 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 104 10:57:03 PM 1h 12s
darkx 1035 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 72 10:57:03 PM 0s
darkx 1036 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 105 12:06:30 AM 1h 9m 27s
darkx 1037 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 73 12:06:30 AM 0s
darkx 1038 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 74 6:16:20 AM 6h 9m 50s
darkx 1039 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 168 6:18:02 AM 1m 42s
darkx 1040 CHLOE PRICE (UNDEFINED) 75 7:26:38 AM 1h 8m 36s
darkx 1041 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 169 7:26:38 AM 0s
darkx 1042 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 106 10:06:31 AM 2h 39m 53s
darkx 1043 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 170 10:06:31 AM 0s
darkx 1044 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 107 12:38:50 PM 2h 32m 19s
darkx 1045 MILES EDGEWORTH (UNDEFINED) 13 12:38:50 PM 0s
darkx 1046 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 108 7:50:09 PM 7h 11m 19s
darkx 1047 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 109 11:53:43 AM 16h 3m 34s
darkx 1048 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 110 2:28:41 PM 2h 34m 58s
darkx 1049 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 111 3:29:48 PM 1h 1m 7s
darkx 1050 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 112 7:06:19 PM 3h 36m 31s
darkx 1051 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 113 12:36:40 PM 689h 30m 21s
darkx 1052 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 1 3:40:29 PM 3h 3m 49s
darkx 1053 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 114 6:07:00 PM 2h 26m 31s
darkx 1054 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 2 6:37:54 PM 30m 54s
darkx 1055 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 36 7:17:58 PM 40m 4s
darkx 1056 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 26 7:54:33 PM 36m 35s
darkx 1057 DARK PIT (UNDEFINED) 1 8:53:44 PM 59m 11s
darkx 1058 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 115 11:28:57 PM 2h 35m 13s
darkx 1059 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 3 12:16:07 AM 47m 10s
darkx 1060 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 4 7:25:10 AM 7h 9m 3s
darkx 1061 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 37 10:07:43 AM 2h 42m 33s
darkx 1062 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 27 12:42:41 PM 2h 34m 58s
darkx 1063 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 5 3:37:25 PM 2h 54m 44s
darkx 1064 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 38 6:08:38 PM 2h 31m 13s
darkx 1065 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 28 6:39:45 PM 31m 7s
darkx 1066 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 6 8:27:07 PM 1h 47m 22s
darkx 1067 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 39 8:27:07 PM 0s
darkx 1068 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 29 9:46:14 PM 1h 19m 7s
darkx 1069 DARK PIT (UNDEFINED) 2 9:46:14 PM 0s
darkx 1070 CAPTAIN OLIMAR (UNDEFINED) 1 10:59:55 PM 1h 13m 41s
darkx 1071 WARIO (UNDEFINED) 10 10:59:55 PM 0s
darkx 1072 CAPTAIN OLIMAR (UNDEFINED) 2 12:15:53 PM 13h 15m 58s
darkx 1073 INKLING (UNDEFINED) 1 12:15:53 PM 0s
darkx 1074 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 116 12:54:29 PM 38m 36s
darkx 1075 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 7 12:54:29 PM 0s
darkx 1076 CAPTAIN OLIMAR (UNDEFINED) 3 3:20:23 PM 2h 25m 54s
darkx 1077 PIT (UNDEFINED) 1 3:28:05 PM 7m 42s
darkx 1078 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 117 3:42:04 PM 13m 59s
darkx 1079 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 8 3:42:04 PM 0s
darkx 1080 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 40 4:48:10 PM 1h 6m 6s
darkx 1081 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 30 4:48:10 PM 0s
darkx 1082 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 118 6:08:20 PM 1h 20m 10s
darkx 1083 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 9 6:08:20 PM 0s
darkx 1084 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 41 7:20:57 PM 1h 12m 37s
darkx 1085 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 31 7:20:57 PM 0s
darkx 1086 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 1 8:21:39 PM 1h 42s
darkx 1087 LITTLE MAC (UNDEFINED) 1 8:21:39 PM 0s
darkx 1088 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 10 8:50:15 PM 28m 36s
darkx 1089 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 42 9:10:28 PM 20m 13s
darkx 1090 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 32 9:51:21 PM 40m 53s
darkx 1091 LITTLE MAC (UNDEFINED) 2 10:11:34 PM 20m 13s
darkx 1092 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 11 11:25:14 PM 1h 13m 40s
darkx 1093 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 43 11:25:14 PM 0s
darkx 1094 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 12 12:54:39 AM 1h 29m 25s
darkx 1095 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 119 12:54:39 AM 0s
darkx 1096 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 13 2:01:28 AM 1h 6m 49s
darkx 1097 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 44 2:01:28 AM 0s
darkx 1098 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 45 3:09:10 AM 1h 7m 42s
darkx 1099 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 1 3:09:10 AM 0s
darkx 1100 CAPTAIN OLIMAR (UNDEFINED) 4 4:28:37 AM 1h 19m 27s
darkx 1101 SQUIRTLE (UNDEFINED) 1 4:28:37 AM 0s
darkx 1102 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 120 11:13:29 AM 6h 44m 52s
darkx 1103 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 14 11:13:29 AM 0s
darkx 1104 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 15 12:13:52 PM 1h 23s
darkx 1105 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 46 12:13:52 PM 0s
darkx 1106 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 47 1:31:39 PM 1h 17m 47s
darkx 1107 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 2 1:31:39 PM 0s
darkx 1108 SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (UNDEFINED) 3 2:57:15 PM 1h 25m 36s
darkx 1109 IVYSAUR (UNDEFINED) 1 2:57:15 PM 0s
darkx 1110 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 121 3:15:59 PM 18m 44s
darkx 1111 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 16 3:15:59 PM 0s
darkx 1112 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 17 4:16:42 PM 1h 43s
darkx 1113 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 48 4:16:42 PM 0s
darkx 1114 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 49 5:39:10 PM 1h 22m 28s
darkx 1115 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 3 5:39:10 PM 0s
darkx 1116 CAPTAIN OLIMAR (UNDEFINED) 5 7:45:23 PM 2h 6m 13s
darkx 1117 SIMON BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 1 7:46:37 PM 1m 14s
darkx 1118 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 122 8:15:38 PM 29m 1s
darkx 1119 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 18 8:15:38 PM 0s
darkx 1120 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 19 9:27:02 PM 1h 11m 24s
darkx 1121 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 50 9:27:02 PM 0s
darkx 1122 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 20 5:56:31 AM 8h 29m 29s
darkx 1123 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 4 5:56:31 AM 0s
darkx 1124 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 21 10:01:34 AM 4h 5m 3s
darkx 1125 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 5 10:01:34 AM 0s
darkx 1126 ZELDA (UNDEFINED) 1 12:34:56 PM 2h 33m 22s
darkx 1127 TOON LINK (UNDEFINED) 1 12:34:56 PM 0s
darkx 1128 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 123 12:37:53 PM 2m 57s
darkx 1129 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 22 12:37:53 PM 0s
darkx 1130 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 23 3:33:53 PM 2h 56m
darkx 1131 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 6 3:33:53 PM 0s
darkx 1132 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 7 6:00:23 PM 2h 26m 30s
darkx 1133 INKLING (UNDEFINED) 2 6:00:23 PM 0s
darkx 1134 SAMUS ARAN (UNDEFINED) 1 7:03:31 PM 1h 3m 8s
darkx 1135 LINK (UNDEFINED) 1 7:03:31 PM 0s
darkx 1136 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 24 7:20:42 PM 17m 11s
darkx 1137 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 8 7:20:42 PM 0s
darkx 1138 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 25 8:32:54 PM 1h 12m 12s
darkx 1139 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 9 8:32:54 PM 0s
darkx 1140 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 26 6:17:36 AM 9h 44m 42s
darkx 1141 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 10 6:17:36 AM 0s
darkx 1142 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 27 7:28:14 AM 1h 10m 38s
darkx 1143 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 1 7:28:14 AM 0s
darkx 1144 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 2 10:12:40 AM 2h 44m 26s
darkx 1145 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 2 10:12:40 AM 0s
darkx 1146 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 28 12:33:18 PM 2h 20m 38s
darkx 1147 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 11 12:33:18 PM 0s
darkx 1148 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 29 3:38:06 PM 3h 4m 48s
darkx 1149 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 124 3:38:06 PM 0s
darkx 1150 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 125 6:02:16 PM 2h 24m 10s
darkx 1151 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 30 6:02:16 PM 0s
darkx 1152 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 31 7:34:49 PM 1h 32m 33s
darkx 1153 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 12 7:34:49 PM 0s
darkx 1154 SIMON BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 2 8:36:31 PM 1h 1m 42s
darkx 1155 NESS (UNDEFINED) 2 8:36:31 PM 0s
darkx 1156 PIKACHU (UNDEFINED) 10 10:17:07 PM 1h 40m 36s
darkx 1157 JIGGLYPUFF (UNDEFINED) 1 10:17:07 PM 0s
darkx 1158 CAPTAIN OLIMAR (UNDEFINED) 6 11:18:23 PM 1h 1m 16s
darkx 1159 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 32 11:19:17 PM 54s
darkx 1160 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 13 11:19:17 PM 0s
darkx 1161 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 33 12:21:45 AM 1h 2m 28s
darkx 1162 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 3 12:21:45 AM 0s
darkx 1163 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 3 6:16:10 AM 5h 54m 25s
darkx 1164 JIGGLYPUFF (UNDEFINED) 2 6:16:10 AM 0s
darkx 1165 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 126 10:01:30 AM 3h 45m 20s
darkx 1166 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 34 10:01:30 AM 0s
darkx 1167 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 35 12:40:54 PM 2h 39m 24s
darkx 1168 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 14 12:40:54 PM 0s
darkx 1169 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 36 3:40:48 PM 2h 59m 54s
darkx 1170 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 15 3:40:48 PM 0s
darkx 1171 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 37 6:00:19 PM 2h 19m 31s
darkx 1172 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 16 6:00:19 PM 0s
darkx 1173 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 4 7:05:03 PM 1h 4m 44s
darkx 1174 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 127 7:05:03 PM 0s
darkx 1175 SQUIRTLE (UNDEFINED) 2 8:39:42 PM 1h 34m 39s
darkx 1176 MARIO (UNDEFINED) 3 8:39:42 PM 0s
darkx 1177 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 38 8:49:45 PM 10m 3s
darkx 1178 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 17 8:49:45 PM 0s
darkx 1179 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 39 6:18:59 AM 9h 29m 14s
darkx 1180 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 18 6:18:59 AM 0s
darkx 1181 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 40 10:07:56 AM 3h 48m 57s
darkx 1182 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 19 10:07:56 AM 0s
darkx 1183 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 41 12:32:17 PM 2h 24m 21s
darkx 1184 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 20 12:32:17 PM 0s
darkx 1185 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 128 3:33:26 PM 3h 1m 9s
darkx 1186 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 42 3:42:00 PM 8m 34s
darkx 1187 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 43 6:01:45 PM 2h 19m 45s
darkx 1188 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 21 6:01:45 PM 0s
darkx 1189 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 129 7:05:12 PM 1h 3m 27s
darkx 1190 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 44 7:05:12 PM 0s
darkx 1191 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 5 8:37:11 PM 1h 31m 59s
darkx 1192 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 130 8:37:11 PM 0s
darkx 1193 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 6 9:45:28 PM 1h 8m 17s
darkx 1194 FALCO LOMBARDI (UNDEFINED) 1 9:45:28 PM 0s
darkx 1195 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 45 9:47:08 PM 1m 40s
darkx 1196 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 22 9:47:08 PM 0s
darkx 1197 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 46 11:00:17 PM 1h 13m 9s
darkx 1198 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 23 11:00:17 PM 0s
darkx 1199 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 131 6:16:07 AM 7h 15m 50s
darkx 1200 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 47 6:16:07 AM 0s
darkx 1201 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 48 7:27:35 AM 1h 11m 28s
darkx 1202 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 24 7:27:35 AM 0s
darkx 1203 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 25 10:06:53 AM 2h 39m 18s
darkx 1204 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 4 10:06:53 AM 0s
darkx 1205 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 7 12:41:36 PM 2h 34m 43s
darkx 1206 SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (UNDEFINED) 4 12:41:36 PM 0s
darkx 1207 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 49 4:24:24 PM 3h 42m 48s
darkx 1208 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 132 4:24:24 PM 0s
darkx 1209 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 50 5:29:18 PM 1h 4m 54s
darkx 1210 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 133 5:29:18 PM 0s
darkx 1211 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 51 6:19:01 PM 49m 43s
darkx 1212 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 134 6:19:01 PM 0s
darkx 1213 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 52 7:19:45 PM 1h 44s
darkx 1214 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 26 7:19:45 PM 0s
darkx 1215 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 8 8:38:28 PM 1h 18m 43s
darkx 1216 SQUIRTLE (UNDEFINED) 3 8:38:28 PM 0s
darkx 1217 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 9 8:37:54 AM 11h 59m 26s
darkx 1218 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 5 8:37:54 AM 0s
darkx 1219 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 10 1:32:59 PM 4h 55m 5s
darkx 1220 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 27 1:40:34 PM 7m 35s
darkx 1221 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 28 3:21:52 PM 1h 41m 18s
darkx 1222 JIGGLYPUFF (UNDEFINED) 3 3:21:52 PM 0s
darkx 1223 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 11 3:56:02 PM 34m 10s
darkx 1224 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 6 3:56:02 PM 0s
darkx 1225 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 135 5:46:50 PM 1h 50m 48s
darkx 1226 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 29 5:46:50 PM 0s
darkx 1227 SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (UNDEFINED) 5 6:50:28 PM 1h 3m 38s
darkx 1228 BOWSER KOOPA (UNDEFINED) 1 6:50:28 PM 0s
darkx 1229 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 12 7:45:50 PM 55m 22s
darkx 1230 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 30 7:45:50 PM 0s
darkx 1231 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 13 10:23:43 PM 2h 37m 53s
darkx 1232 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 136 10:23:43 PM 0s
darkx 1233 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 7 12:06:14 AM 1h 42m 31s
darkx 1234 GANONDORF (UNDEFINED) 6 12:06:14 AM 0s
darkx 1235 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 14 12:22:41 AM 16m 27s
darkx 1236 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 8 12:22:41 AM 0s
darkx 1237 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 15 10:11:55 AM 9h 49m 14s
darkx 1238 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 9 10:11:55 AM 0s
darkx 1239 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 16 11:24:44 AM 1h 12m 49s
darkx 1240 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 10 11:24:44 AM 0s
darkx 1241 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 137 9:41:46 PM 10h 17m 2s
darkx 1242 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 138 10:19:16 PM 37m 30s
darkx 1243 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 17 10:19:16 PM 0s
darkx 1244 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 139 11:00:48 PM 72h 41m 32s
darkx 1245 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 18 11:00:48 PM 0s
darkx 1246 IKE (UNDEFINED) 11 12:18:20 PM 61h 17m 32s
darkx 1247 IKE (UNDEFINED) 12 9:58:01 PM 9h 39m 41s
darkx 1248 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 11 4:46:24 PM 5034h 48m 23s
darkx 1249 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 97 4:46:24 PM 0s
darkx 1250 X-ATM092 (UNDEFINED) 1 6:27:08 PM 1h 40m 44s
darkx 1251 SABIN RENE FIGARO (UNDEFINED) 8 6:27:08 PM 0s
darkx 1252 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 12 3:55:04 PM 21h 27m 56s
darkx 1253 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 98 4:55:04 PM 1h
darkx 1254 SABIN RENE FIGARO (UNDEFINED) 9 5:07:50 PM 12m 46s
darkx 1255 EDGAR RONI FIGARO (UNDEFINED) 2 5:07:50 PM 0s
darkx 1256 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 99 8:17:42 PM 27h 9m 52s
darkx 1257 SAZH KATZROY (UNDEFINED) 1 8:17:42 PM 0s
darkx 1258 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 13 6:09:53 PM 21h 52m 11s
darkx 1259 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 100 6:09:53 PM 0s
darkx 1260 SETZER GABBIANI (UNDEFINED) 1 7:36:56 PM 1h 27m 3s
darkx 1261 ZELL DINCHT (UNDEFINED) 9 7:36:56 PM 0s
darkx 1262 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 14 5:17:33 PM 45h 40m 37s
darkx 1263 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 171 5:17:33 PM 0s
darkx 1264 SAZH KATZROY (UNDEFINED) 2 3:48:34 PM 22h 31m 1s
darkx 1265 ZELL DINCHT (UNDEFINED) 10 3:49:34 PM 1m
darkx 1266 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 15 4:11:03 PM 24h 21m 29s
darkx 1267 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 172 4:11:03 PM 0s
darkx 1268 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 16 6:01:41 PM 25h 50m 38s
darkx 1269 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 173 6:01:41 PM 0s
darkx 1270 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 17 4:45:27 PM 22h 43m 46s
darkx 1271 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 174 4:45:27 PM 0s
darkx 1272 SAZH KATZROY (UNDEFINED) 3 3:37:40 PM 46h 52m 13s
darkx 1273 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 18 3:39:56 PM 48h 2m 16s
darkx 1274 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 19 5:45:45 PM 26h 5m 49s
darkx 1275 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 20 2:23:11 PM 20h 37m 26s
darkx 1276 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 21 6:01:14 PM 51h 38m 3s
darkx 1277 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 22 3:32:35 PM 21h 31m 21s
darkx 1278 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 23 6:01:33 PM 26h 28m 58s
darkx 1279 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 175 6:55:55 PM 24h 54m 22s
darkx 1280 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 24 4:46:03 PM 21h 50m 8s
darkx 1281 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 176 5:52:42 PM 1h 6m 39s
darkx 1282 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 25 3:30:04 PM 21h 37m 22s
darkx 1283 SAZH KATZROY (UNDEFINED) 4 5:35:28 PM 2h 5m 24s
darkx 1284 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 26 6:06:01 PM 48h 30m 33s
darkx 1285 ZELL DINCHT (UNDEFINED) 11 8:17:43 PM 2h 11m 42s
darkx 1286 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 27 1:44:55 PM 17h 27m 12s
darkx 1287 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 28 4:43:01 PM 26h 58m 6s
darkx 1288 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 177 6:20:05 PM 1h 37m 4s
darkx 1289 SAZH KATZROY (UNDEFINED) 5 7:46:27 PM 73h 26m 22s
darkx 1290 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 29 5:00:22 PM 21h 13m 55s
darkx 1291 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 30 6:39:27 PM 25h 39m 5s
darkx 1292 ZELL DINCHT (UNDEFINED) 12 7:41:16 PM 1h 1m 49s
darkx 1293 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 31 9:18:28 PM 25h 37m 12s
darkx 1294 SAZH KATZROY (UNDEFINED) 6 10:43:22 PM 1h 24m 54s
darkx 1295 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 32 6:26:09 PM 19h 42m 47s
darkx 1296 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 33 6:31:59 PM 48h 5m 50s
darkx 1297 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 178 7:32:36 PM 1h 37s
darkx 1298 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 34 7:15:28 PM 47h 42m 52s
darkx 1299 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 35 6:03:50 PM 22h 48m 22s
darkx 1300 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 36 3:37:54 PM 21h 34m 4s
darkx 1301 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 37 7:02:21 PM 27h 24m 27s
darkx 1302 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 179 8:12:53 PM 1h 10m 32s
darkx 1303 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 38 3:34:32 PM 19h 21m 39s
darkx 1304 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 39 4:52:23 PM 25h 17m 51s
darkx 1305 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 180 6:11:34 PM 1h 19m 11s
darkx 1306 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 40 7:33:23 PM 49h 21m 49s
darkx 1307 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 41 3:42:17 PM 92h 8m 54s
darkx 1308 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 42 7:16:26 PM 27h 34m 9s
darkx 1309 LAGUNA LOIRE (UNDEFINED) 12 8:46:00 PM 1h 29m 34s
darkx 1310 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 43 5:08:51 PM 44h 22m 51s
darkx 1311 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 44 8:56:10 PM 27h 47m 19s
darkx 1312 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 45 7:25:36 PM 46h 29m 26s
darkx 1313 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 46 3:36:46 PM 20h 11m 10s
darkx 1314 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 47 4:02:56 PM 24h 26m 10s
darkx 1315 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 181 6:42:54 PM 2h 39m 58s
darkx 1316 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 48 8:48:55 PM 26h 6m 1s
darkx 1317 OERBA DIA VANILLE (UNDEFINED) 1 10:04:49 PM 1h 15m 54s
darkx 1318 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 49 7:00:32 PM 20h 55m 43s
darkx 1319 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 182 8:03:33 PM 1h 3m 1s
darkx 1320 AERIS GAINSBOROUGH (UNDEFINED) 5 9:21:41 PM 1h 18m 8s
darkx 1321 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 50 6:02:35 PM 20h 40m 54s
darkx 1322 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 51 3:37:04 PM 21h 34m 29s
darkx 1323 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 52 7:45:04 PM 28h 8m
darkx 1324 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 53 7:24:30 PM 47h 39m 26s
darkx 1325 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 54 4:29:12 PM 21h 4m 42s
darkx 1326 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 183 5:41:12 PM 1h 12m
darkx 1327 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 55 4:16:48 PM 22h 35m 36s
darkx 1328 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 56 6:00:19 PM 25h 43m 31s
darkx 1329 CLAIRE "LIGHTNING" FARRON (UNDEFINED) 1 7:17:03 PM 1h 16m 44s
darkx 1330 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 57 3:31:15 PM 20h 14m 12s
darkx 1331 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 58 7:03:17 PM 27h 32m 2s
darkx 1332 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 59 3:29:08 PM 44h 25m 51s
darkx 1333 AURON (UNDEFINED) 1 5:07:18 PM 1h 38m 10s
darkx 1334 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 60 6:12:39 PM 25h 5m 21s
darkx 1335 VINCENT VALENTINE (UNDEFINED) 5 7:19:13 PM 1h 6m 34s
darkx 1336 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 61 3:45:04 PM 20h 25m 51s
darkx 1337 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 62 6:42:40 PM 26h 57m 36s
darkx 1338 SABIN RENE FIGARO (UNDEFINED) 10 8:43:54 PM 2h 1m 14s
darkx 1339 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 63 5:54:28 PM 45h 10m 34s
darkx 1340 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 64 4:32:12 PM 70h 37m 44s
darkx 1341 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 65 7:05:12 PM 26h 33m
darkx 1343 BRASKA (UNDEFINED) 1 9:24:39 PM 1h 3m 27s
darkx 1344 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 184 5:57:25 PM 20h 32m 46s
darkx 1345 AERIS GAINSBOROUGH (UNDEFINED) 6 7:01:11 PM 1h 3m 46s
darkx 1346 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 66 3:37:33 PM 20h 36m 22s
darkx 1347 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 67 8:49:00 PM 29h 11m 27s
darkx 1348 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 68 3:32:57 PM 18h 43m 57s
darkx 1349 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 69 7:52:53 PM 28h 19m 56s
darkx 1350 AERIS GAINSBOROUGH (UNDEFINED) 7 9:55:16 PM 2h 2m 23s
darkx 1351 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 70 2:39:13 PM 16h 43m 57s
darkx 1352 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 185 3:41:26 PM 1h 2m 13s
darkx 1353 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 71 5:41:47 PM 26h 21s
darkx 1354 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 72 12:33:21 PM 42h 51m 34s
darkx 1355 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 73 7:51:42 PM 31h 18m 21s
darkx 1356 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 74 2:52:27 PM 43h 45s
darkx 1357 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 75 7:42:52 PM 52h 50m 25s
darkx 1358 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 76 4:53:37 PM 21h 10m 45s
darkx 1359 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 77 3:37:22 PM 22h 43m 45s
darkx 1360 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 78 5:11:14 PM 25h 33m 52s
darkx 1361 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 79 3:04:06 PM 21h 52m 52s
darkx 1362 RYDIA OF MIST (UNDEFINED) 3 4:05:07 PM 1h 1m 1s
darkx 1363 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 80 5:13:30 PM 25h 8m 23s
darkx 1364 RED MAGE (UNDEFINED) 1 6:41:43 PM 1h 28m 13s
darkx 1365 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 81 1:26:15 PM 18h 44m 32s
darkx 1366 AERIS GAINSBOROUGH (UNDEFINED) 8 2:47:34 PM 1h 21m 19s
darkx 1367 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 82 3:41:33 PM 72h 53m 59s
darkx 1368 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 83 6:23:39 PM 26h 42m 6s
darkx 1369 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 186 7:52:47 PM 1h 29m 8s
darkx 1370 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 84 3:03:45 PM 19h 10m 58s
darkx 1371 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 85 7:01:50 PM 51h 58m 5s
darkx 1372 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 86 5:53:26 PM 22h 51m 36s
darkx 1373 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 87 8:32:54 PM 74h 39m 28s
darkx 1374 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 88 9:57:46 PM 1h 24m 52s
darkx 1375 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 89 11:02:45 PM 1h 4m 59s
darkx 1376 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 90 3:02:30 PM 15h 59m 45s
darkx 1377 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 91 4:16:18 PM 1h 13m 48s
darkx 1378 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 92 8:26:03 PM 4h 9m 45s
darkx 1379 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 93 9:27:25 PM 1h 1m 22s
darkx 1380 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 94 1:38:51 AM 4h 11m 26s
darkx 1381 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 95 9:38:16 AM 7h 59m 25s
darkx 1382 GILBERT "EDWARD" CHRIS VON MUIR (UNDEFINED) 96 2:15:25 PM 4h 37m 9s
darkx 1383 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 53 12:20:18 PM 3622h 4m 53s
darkx 1384 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 1 12:20:18 PM 0s
darkx 1385 DARK PIT (UNDEFINED) 3 3:23:30 PM 3h 3m 12s
darkx 1386 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 2 3:23:30 PM 0s
darkx 1387 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 3 6:32:01 PM 3h 8m 31s
darkx 1388 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 54 6:32:01 PM 0s
darkx 1389 SQUIRTLE (UNDEFINED) 4 7:27:32 PM 55m 31s
darkx 1390 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 51 7:27:32 PM 0s
darkx 1391 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 19 7:59:13 PM 31m 41s
darkx 1392 JIGGLYPUFF (UNDEFINED) 4 7:59:13 PM 0s
darkx 1393 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 55 10:36:49 PM 2h 37m 36s
darkx 1394 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 4 10:36:49 PM 0s
darkx 1395 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 56 6:40:17 AM 8h 3m 28s
darkx 1396 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 33 6:40:17 AM 0s
darkx 1397 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 5 8:34:53 AM 1h 54m 36s
darkx 1398 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 57 8:34:53 AM 0s
darkx 1399 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 52 9:15:42 AM 40m 49s
darkx 1400 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 34 9:15:42 AM 0s
darkx 1401 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 140 9:46:39 AM 30m 57s
darkx 1402 SQUIRTLE (UNDEFINED) 5 9:46:39 AM 0s
darkx 1403 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 20 10:23:19 AM 36m 40s
darkx 1404 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 11 10:23:19 AM 0s
darkx 1405 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 31 11:01:49 AM 38m 30s
darkx 1406 ROBIN (UNDEFINED) 1 11:01:49 AM 0s
darkx 1407 LUCARIO (UNDEFINED) 1 11:32:29 AM 30m 40s
darkx 1408 BAYONETTA (UNDEFINED) 3 11:32:29 AM 0s
darkx 1409 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 6 12:07:20 PM 34m 51s
darkx 1410 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 58 12:07:20 PM 0s
darkx 1411 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 12 1:11:40 PM 1h 4m 20s
darkx 1412 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 53 1:11:40 PM 0s
darkx 1413 DIDDY KONG (UNDEFINED) 1 1:52:48 PM 41m 8s
darkx 1414 TOON LINK (UNDEFINED) 2 1:52:48 PM 0s
darkx 1415 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 59 2:02:40 PM 9m 52s
darkx 1416 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 54 2:02:40 PM 0s
darkx 1417 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 13 2:02:40 PM 0s
darkx 1418 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 21 3:23:34 PM 1h 20m 54s
darkx 1419 NESS (UNDEFINED) 3 3:23:34 PM 0s
darkx 1420 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 35 3:23:34 PM 0s
darkx 1421 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 60 4:36:12 PM 1h 12m 38s
darkx 1422 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 7 4:36:12 PM 0s
darkx 1423 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 14 4:36:12 PM 0s
darkx 1424 DIDDY KONG (UNDEFINED) 2 6:02:36 PM 1h 26m 24s
darkx 1425 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 61 6:04:40 PM 2m 4s
darkx 1426 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 55 6:04:40 PM 0s
darkx 1427 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 8 6:04:40 PM 0s
darkx 1428 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 22 7:14:22 PM 1h 9m 42s
darkx 1429 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 36 7:14:54 PM 32s
darkx 1430 JIGGLYPUFF (UNDEFINED) 5 7:14:54 PM 0s
darkx 1431 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 62 9:55:28 PM 2h 40m 34s
darkx 1432 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 9 9:55:28 PM 0s
darkx 1433 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 23 11:07:43 PM 1h 12m 15s
darkx 1434 CAPTAIN OLIMAR (UNDEFINED) 7 11:08:08 PM 25s
darkx 1435 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 63 11:17:02 PM 8m 54s
darkx 1436 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 10 11:17:02 PM 0s
darkx 1437 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 11 8:20:35 AM 9h 3m 33s
darkx 1438 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 64 8:20:35 AM 0s
darkx 1439 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 141 9:59:00 AM 1h 38m 25s
darkx 1440 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 56 9:59:00 AM 0s
darkx 1441 MR. GAME & WATCH (UNDEFINED) 1 12:05:25 PM 2h 6m 25s
darkx 1442 ICE CLIMBERS (UNDEFINED) 1 12:05:25 PM 0s
darkx 1443 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 65 12:11:46 PM 6m 21s
darkx 1444 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 12 12:11:46 PM 0s
darkx 1445 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 15 3:29:47 PM 3h 18m 1s
darkx 1446 MEGA MAN (UNDEFINED) 4 3:31:31 PM 1m 44s
darkx 1447 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 13 6:18:59 PM 2h 47m 28s
darkx 1448 ROSALINA (UNDEFINED) 57 6:18:59 PM 0s
darkx 1449 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 66 6:44:07 PM 25m 8s
darkx 1450 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 14 6:44:07 PM 0s
darkx 1451 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 67 8:49:22 PM 2h 5m 15s
darkx 1452 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 15 8:49:22 PM 0s
darkx 1453 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 16 7:36:48 AM 10h 47m 26s
darkx 1454 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 68 7:36:48 AM 0s
darkx 1455 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 32 7:36:48 AM 0s
darkx 1456 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 17 9:01:03 AM 1h 24m 15s
darkx 1457 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 142 9:01:03 AM 0s
darkx 1458 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 16 9:01:03 AM 0s
darkx 1459 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 69 1:10:56 PM 4h 9m 53s
darkx 1460 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 18 1:10:56 PM 0s
darkx 1461 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 143 1:10:56 PM 0s
darkx 1462 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 33 2:32:24 PM 1h 21m 28s
darkx 1463 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 70 2:32:24 PM 0s
darkx 1464 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 17 2:32:24 PM 0s
darkx 1465 WARIO (UNDEFINED) 11 3:52:05 PM 1h 19m 41s
darkx 1466 MEGA MAN (UNDEFINED) 5 3:52:05 PM 0s
darkx 1467 ICE CLIMBERS (UNDEFINED) 2 3:52:20 PM 15s
darkx 1468 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 19 3:58:46 PM 6m 26s
darkx 1469 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 71 3:58:46 PM 0s
darkx 1470 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 144 3:58:46 PM 0s
darkx 1471 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 24 6:02:08 PM 2h 3m 22s
darkx 1472 CAPTAIN OLIMAR (UNDEFINED) 8 6:02:08 PM 0s
darkx 1473 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 18 6:02:08 PM 0s
darkx 1474 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 72 6:47:06 PM 44m 58s
darkx 1475 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 20 6:47:06 PM 0s
darkx 1476 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 145 6:47:06 PM 0s
darkx 1477 SQUIRTLE (UNDEFINED) 6 8:11:48 PM 1h 24m 42s
darkx 1478 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 25 8:12:54 PM 1m 6s
darkx 1479 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 37 8:12:54 PM 0s
darkx 1480 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 21 9:22:40 PM 1h 9m 46s
darkx 1481 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 73 9:22:40 PM 0s
darkx 1482 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 146 9:22:40 PM 0s
darkx 1483 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 22 10:24:05 PM 1h 1m 25s
darkx 1484 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 74 10:24:05 PM 0s
darkx 1485 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 19 10:24:05 PM 0s
darkx 1486 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 26 11:51:20 PM 1h 27m 15s
darkx 1487 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 38 11:51:20 PM 0s
darkx 1488 PIKACHU (UNDEFINED) 11 11:51:20 PM 0s
darkx 1489 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 23 12:01:25 AM 10m 5s
darkx 1490 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 75 12:01:25 AM 0s
darkx 1491 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 147 12:01:25 AM 0s
darkx 1492 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 76 1:06:03 AM 1h 4m 38s
darkx 1493 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 27 1:06:03 AM 0s
darkx 1494 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 20 1:06:03 AM 0s
darkx 1495 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 28 11:20:48 AM 10h 14m 45s
darkx 1496 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 21 11:20:48 AM 0s
darkx 1497 SQUIRTLE (UNDEFINED) 7 11:20:48 AM 0s
darkx 1498 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 29 12:28:38 PM 1h 7m 50s
darkx 1499 FALCO LOMBARDI (UNDEFINED) 2 12:28:38 PM 0s
darkx 1500 MEGA MAN (UNDEFINED) 6 12:29:10 PM 32s
darkx 1501 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 24 12:40:20 PM 11m 10s
darkx 1502 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 77 12:40:20 PM 0s
darkx 1503 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 148 12:40:20 PM 0s
darkx 1504 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 78 2:14:23 PM 1h 34m 3s
darkx 1505 PIKACHU (UNDEFINED) 12 2:14:23 PM 0s
darkx 1506 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 39 2:14:23 PM 0s
darkx 1507 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 79 5:20:31 PM 3h 6m 8s
darkx 1508 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 25 5:20:31 PM 0s
darkx 1509 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 30 6:22:19 PM 1h 1m 48s
darkx 1510 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 149 6:22:19 PM 0s
darkx 1511 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 80 7:38:51 PM 1h 16m 32s
darkx 1512 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 26 7:38:51 PM 0s
darkx 1513 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 27 8:39:07 PM 1h 16s
darkx 1514 SQUIRTLE (UNDEFINED) 8 8:41:40 PM 2m 33s
darkx 1515 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 31 9:53:36 PM 1h 11m 56s
darkx 1516 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 40 9:53:36 PM 0s
darkx 1517 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 28 10:58:29 PM 1h 4m 53s
darkx 1518 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 81 10:58:29 PM 0s
darkx 1519 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 82 12:18:53 AM 1h 20m 24s
darkx 1520 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 150 12:18:53 AM 0s
darkx 1521 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 83 8:12:16 AM 7h 53m 23s
darkx 1522 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 29 8:12:16 AM 0s
darkx 1523 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 32 11:09:41 AM 2h 57m 25s
darkx 1524 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 41 11:09:41 AM 0s
darkx 1525 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 84 12:38:23 PM 1h 28m 42s
darkx 1526 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 30 12:38:23 PM 0s
darkx 1527 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 85 1:40:40 PM 1h 2m 17s
darkx 1528 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 31 1:40:40 PM 0s
darkx 1529 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 33 2:46:33 PM 1h 5m 53s
darkx 1530 LUIGI (UNDEFINED) 42 2:46:33 PM 0s
darkx 1531 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 86 3:46:39 PM 1h 6s
darkx 1532 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 32 3:46:39 PM 0s
darkx 1533 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 87 5:01:53 PM 1h 15m 14s
darkx 1534 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 22 5:01:53 PM 0s
darkx 1535 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 88 7:11:01 PM 2h 9m 8s
darkx 1536 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 33 7:11:01 PM 0s
darkx 1537 LUCINA (UNDEFINED) 34 8:17:21 PM 1h 6m 20s
darkx 1538 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 151 8:17:21 PM 0s
darkx 1539 NESS (UNDEFINED) 4 9:34:34 PM 1h 17m 13s
darkx 1540 CHROM (UNDEFINED) 89 9:38:22 PM 3m 48s
darkx 1541 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 34 9:38:22 PM 0s
darkx 1542 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 35 4:46:04 AM 7h 7m 42s
darkx 1543 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 36 9:51:30 AM 5h 5m 26s
darkx 1544 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 23 12:07:41 PM 2h 16m 11s
darkx 1545 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 37 12:18:42 PM 11m 1s
darkx 1546 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 38 3:25:00 PM 3h 6m 18s
darkx 1547 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 24 5:45:02 PM 2h 20m 2s
darkx 1548 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 39 6:34:48 PM 49m 46s
darkx 1549 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 40 8:27:22 PM 1h 52m 34s
darkx 1550 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 41 9:52:35 AM 13h 25m 13s
darkx 1551 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 152 12:15:11 PM 2h 22m 36s
darkx 1552 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 42 3:19:39 PM 3h 4m 28s
darkx 1553 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 43 7:16:33 PM 3h 56m 54s
darkx 1554 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 44 8:19:09 PM 1h 2m 36s
darkx 1555 PIKACHU (UNDEFINED) 13 9:20:05 PM 1h 56s
darkx 1556 GRENINJA (UNDEFINED) 1 10:32:06 PM 1h 12m 1s
darkx 1557 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 45 10:34:16 PM 2m 10s
darkx 1558 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 46 11:35:06 PM 1h 50s
darkx 1559 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 47 5:42:37 AM 6h 7m 31s
darkx 1560 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 48 9:48:33 AM 4h 5m 56s
darkx 1561 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 49 12:08:35 PM 2h 20m 2s
darkx 1562 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 50 3:20:54 PM 3h 12m 19s
darkx 1563 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 51 5:46:09 PM 2h 25m 15s
darkx 1564 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 52 7:46:00 PM 1h 59m 51s
darkx 1565 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 53 9:49:34 PM 2h 3m 34s
darkx 1566 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 54 11:10:26 PM 1h 20m 52s
darkx 1567 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 55 11:12:12 PM 1m 46s
darkx 1568 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 56 5:41:07 AM 6h 28m 55s
darkx 1569 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 57 9:53:32 AM 4h 12m 25s
darkx 1570 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 58 11:20:29 AM 1h 26m 57s
darkx 1571 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 153 12:22:21 PM 1h 1m 52s
darkx 1572 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 59 1:18:57 PM 56m 36s
darkx 1573 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 60 2:37:30 PM 1h 18m 33s
darkx 1574 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 61 4:17:29 PM 1h 39m 59s
darkx 1575 KIRBY (UNDEFINED) 154 5:47:46 PM 1h 30m 17s
darkx 1576 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 62 6:20:13 PM 32m 27s
darkx 1577 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 63 7:56:31 PM 1h 36m 18s
darkx 1578 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 64 8:43:22 PM 46m 51s
darkx 1579 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 65 11:52:47 PM 3h 9m 25s
darkx 1580 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 66 1:14:59 AM 1h 22m 12s
darkx 1581 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 67 1:23:27 AM 8m 28s
darkx 1582 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 68 2:37:07 AM 1h 13m 40s
darkx 1583 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 69 10:52:05 AM 8h 14m 58s
darkx 1584 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 70 12:08:21 PM 1h 16m 16s
darkx 1585 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 71 1:50:18 PM 1h 41m 57s
darkx 1586 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 72 3:22:51 PM 1h 32m 33s
darkx 1587 PICHU (UNDEFINED) 25 4:50:56 PM 1h 28m 5s
darkx 1588 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 73 5:26:46 PM 35m 50s
darkx 1589 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 74 6:35:05 PM 1h 8m 19s
darkx 1590 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 75 8:33:07 PM 1h 58m 2s
darkx 1591 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 76 10:01:04 PM 1h 27m 57s
darkx 1592 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 77 11:02:54 PM 1h 1m 50s
darkx 1593 LADY PALUTENA (UNDEFINED) 78 12:36:58 AM 1h 34m 4s
darkx 1594 ZERO SUIT SAMUS (UNDEFINED) 1 8:56:54 AM 8h 19m 56s
darkx 1595 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 34 9:19:28 AM 22m 34s
darkx 1596 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 35 11:04:03 AM 1h 44m 35s
darkx 1597 MEWTWO (UNDEFINED) 1 12:20:14 PM 1h 16m 11s
darkx 1598 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 36 12:23:21 PM 3m 7s
darkx 1599 SHULK (UNDEFINED) 1 2:42:10 PM 2h 18m 49s
darkx 1600 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 37 3:34:44 PM 52m 34s
darkx 1601 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 38 6:08:58 PM 2h 34m 14s
darkx 1602 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 39 9:09:43 PM 3h 45s
darkx 1603 RICHTER BELMONT (UNDEFINED) 40 10:13:05 PM 1h 3m 22s
darkx 1604 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 187 8:08:11 AM 4353h 55m 6s
darkx 1605 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 188 10:22:40 AM 2h 14m 29s
darkx 1606 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 189 2:41:25 PM 4h 18m 45s
darkx 1607 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 190 3:44:57 PM 1h 3m 32s
darkx 1608 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 191 5:10:34 PM 1h 25m 37s
darkx 1609 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 192 6:19:00 PM 1h 8m 26s
darkx 1610 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 193 8:13:48 PM 1h 54m 48s
darkx 1611 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 194 9:47:59 PM 1h 34m 11s
darkx 1612 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 195 12:29:50 AM 2h 41m 51s
darkx 1613 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 196 2:54:24 PM 14h 24m 34s
darkx 1614 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 197 1:33:46 PM 24790h 39m 22s
darkx 1615 MAROWAK (UNDEFINED) 1 7:36:47 PM 3m 1s
darkx 1616 GRIMER (UNDEFINED) 1 7:36:47 PM 0s
darkx 1617 MAROWAK (UNDEFINED) 2 9:02:56 PM 1h 26m 9s
darkx 1618 SANDSLASH (UNDEFINED) 1 9:02:56 PM 0s
darkx 1619 GRIMER (UNDEFINED) 2 11:25:20 PM 2h 22m 24s
darkx 1620 RATICATE (UNDEFINED) 1 11:25:20 PM 0s
darkx 1621 GRIMER (UNDEFINED) 3 3:26:32 PM 16h 1m 12s
darkx 1622 DIGLETT (UNDEFINED) 1 3:26:32 PM 0s
darkx 1623 MAROWAK (UNDEFINED) 3 4:12:04 PM 45m 32s
darkx 1624 MUK (UNDEFINED) 1 4:12:04 PM 0s
darkx 1625 MAROWAK (UNDEFINED) 4 5:25:51 PM 1h 13m 47s
darkx 1626 GRIMER (UNDEFINED) 4 5:25:51 PM 0s
darkx 1627 MAROWAK (UNDEFINED) 5 8:21:29 PM 2h 55m 38s
darkx 1628 MUK (UNDEFINED) 2 8:21:29 PM 0s
darkx 1629 MAROWAK (UNDEFINED) 6 9:12:38 PM 51m 9s
darkx 1630 MUK (UNDEFINED) 3 9:12:38 PM 0s
darkx 1631 MAROWAK (UNDEFINED) 7 11:34:58 PM 2h 22m 20s
darkx 1632 MAROWAK (UNDEFINED) 8 7:41:57 AM 8h 6m 59s
darkx 1633 MAROWAK (UNDEFINED) 9 1:16:30 PM 5h 34m 33s
darkx 1634 MUK (UNDEFINED) 4 2:21:32 PM 1h 5m 2s
darkx 1635 MAROWAK (UNDEFINED) 10 8:01:58 PM 5h 40m 26s
darkx 1636 FARFETCH'D (UNDEFINED) 1 8:28:07 PM 48h 26m 9s
darkx 1637 MR. MIME (UNDEFINED) 1 8:28:07 PM 0s
darkx 1638 FARFETCH'D (UNDEFINED) 2 11:10:08 PM 2h 42m 1s
darkx 1639 MR. MIME (UNDEFINED) 2 11:10:08 PM 0s
darkx 1640 FARFETCH'D (UNDEFINED) 3 12:18:20 AM 1h 8m 12s
darkx 1641 MR. MIME (UNDEFINED) 3 12:18:20 AM 0s
darkx 1642 SIRFETCH'D (UNDEFINED) 1 10:55:41 PM 70h 37m 21s
darkx 1643 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 25 4:35:48 PM 6665h 40m 7s
darkx 1644 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 198 4:35:48 PM 0s
darkx 1645 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 101 5:45:21 PM 1h 9m 33s
darkx 1646 EDGAR RONI FIGARO (UNDEFINED) 3 5:45:21 PM 0s
darkx 1647 CLIVE ROSFIELD (UNDEFINED) 1 6:36:10 PM 24h 50m 49s
darkx 1648 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 199 6:36:10 PM 0s
darkx 1649 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 102 7:36:44 PM 1h 34s
darkx 1650 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 26 7:36:44 PM 0s
darkx 1651 CLIVE ROSFIELD (UNDEFINED) 2 6:51:31 PM 95h 14m 47s
darkx 1652 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 200 6:51:31 PM 0s
darkx 1653 CLIVE ROSFIELD (UNDEFINED) 3 4:10:12 PM 21h 18m 41s
darkx 1654 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 27 4:10:12 PM 0s
darkx 1655 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 103 5:09:59 PM 59m 47s
darkx 1656 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 104 5:10:49 PM 50s
darkx 1657 JECHT (UNDEFINED) 1 5:13:08 PM 2m 19s
darkx 1658 CLIVE ROSFIELD (UNDEFINED) 4 5:32:34 PM 192h 19m 26s
darkx 1659 CYAN GARAMONDE (UNDEFINED) 105 6:32:42 PM 1h 8s
darkx 1660 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 28 12:47:35 PM 18h 14m 53s
darkx 1661 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 201 3:41:47 PM 386h 54m 12s
darkx 1662 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 29 4:10:31 PM 72h 28m 44s
darkx 1663 CLIVE ROSFIELD (UNDEFINED) 5 2:32:17 PM 22h 21m 46s
darkx 1664 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 30 4:01:31 PM 1h 29m 14s
darkx 1665 CLIVE ROSFIELD (UNDEFINED) 6 3:02:36 PM 71h 1m 5s
darkx 1666 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 31 4:33:42 PM 1h 31m 6s
darkx 1667 RED XIII (UNDEFINED) 1 4:51:20 PM 17m 38s
darkx 1668 CLIVE ROSFIELD (UNDEFINED) 7 6:52:26 PM 26h 1m 6s
darkx 1669 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 202 12:47:18 PM 41h 54m 52s
darkx 1670 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 32 2:32:56 PM 1h 45m 38s
darkx 1671 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 33 5:11:19 PM 50h 38m 23s
darkx 1672 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 34 5:56:27 PM 24h 45m 8s
darkx 1673 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 35 3:34:11 PM 45h 37m 44s
darkx 1674 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 36 12:59:24 PM 21h 25m 13s
darkx 1675 OERBA DIA VANILLE (UNDEFINED) 2 2:26:11 PM 1h 26m 47s
darkx 1676 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 203 4:05:30 PM 49h 39m 19s
darkx 1677 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 37 5:06:19 PM 1h 49s
darkx 1678 CLIVE ROSFIELD (UNDEFINED) 8 5:25:55 PM 19m 36s
darkx 1679 RINOA HEARTILLY (UNDEFINED) 38 5:25:55 PM 0s
darkx 1680 SAZH KATZROY (UNDEFINED) 7 3:30:53 PM 70h 4m 58s
darkx 1681 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 204 3:27:53 PM 23h 57m
darkx 1682 CLIVE ROSFIELD (UNDEFINED) 9 1:21:05 PM 45h 53m 12s
darkx 1683 SEIFER ALMASY (UNDEFINED) 1 2:50:39 PM 1h 29m 34s
darkx 1684 CLIVE ROSFIELD (UNDEFINED) 10 6:39:56 PM 51h 49m 17s
darkx 1685 CLIVE ROSFIELD (UNDEFINED) 11 3:34:24 PM 20h 54m 28s
darkx 1686 CLIVE ROSFIELD (UNDEFINED) 12 6:23:58 PM 26h 49m 34s
darkx 1687 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 205 12:32:54 PM 18h 8m 56s
darkx 1688 CLIVE ROSFIELD (UNDEFINED) 13 6:53:49 PM 30h 20m 55s
darkx 1689 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 206 1:04:07 PM 18h 10m 18s
darkx 1690 SAZH KATZROY (UNDEFINED) 8 2:56:41 PM 1h 52m 34s
darkx 1691 SQUALL LEONHART (UNDEFINED) 207 1:58:11 PM 23h 1m 30s
darkx 1692 SEPHIROTH (UNDEFINED) 1 4:05:28 PM 2h 7m 17s
darkx 1693 CLIVE ROSFIELD (UNDEFINED) 14 3:29:15 PM 143h 23m 47s
darkx 1694 AERIS GAINSBOROUGH (UNDEFINED) 9 8:08:30 PM 820h 39m 15s
darkx 1695 AERIS GAINSBOROUGH (UNDEFINED) 10 12:00:00 AM 3h 51m 30s
darkx 1696 AERIS GAINSBOROUGH (UNDEFINED) 11 2:24:50 PM 14h 24m 50s
darkx 1697 AERIS GAINSBOROUGH (UNDEFINED) 12 4:35:43 PM 2h 10m 53s
darkx 1698 AERIS GAINSBOROUGH (UNDEFINED) 13 5:37:54 PM 1h 2m 11s
darkx 1699 AERIS GAINSBOROUGH (UNDEFINED) 14 6:39:59 PM 1h 2m 5s
darkx 1700 AERIS GAINSBOROUGH (UNDEFINED) 15 7:57:25 PM 1h 17m 26s
darkx 1701 AERIS GAINSBOROUGH (UNDEFINED) 16 10:06:34 PM 2h 9m 9s
darkx 1702 AERIS GAINSBOROUGH (UNDEFINED) 17 11:15:53 PM 1h 9m 19s
darkx 1703 AERIS GAINSBOROUGH (UNDEFINED) 18 12:17:59 AM 1h 2m 6s
Saver # Save # Timestamp Seconds
UNSAFE [228] SAFE [1]
[0] Cecil Harvey
[0] Cid Pollendina
[0] Rosa Joanna Farrell
[0] Rydia of Mist

[0] Faris Scherwiz
[0] Galuf Halm Baldesion
[0] Ghido
[0] Gilgamesh

[0] Celes Chere
[0] Cyan Garamonde
[0] Kefka Palazzo
[0] Locke Cole
[0] Mog
[0] Sabin Rene Figaro

[0] Aeris Gainsborough
[0] Barret Wallace
[0] Cait Sith
[0] Cid Highwind
[0] Cloud Strife
[0] Elena
[0] Jessie Rasberry
[0] Red XIII
[0] Sephiroth
[0] Tifa Lockhart
[0] Vincent Valentine
[0] Yuffie Kisaragi

[0] Laguna Loire
[0] Rinoa Heartilly
[0] Seifer Almasy
[0] Selphie Tilmitt
[0] Squall Leonhart
[0] Ultimecia

[0] Eiko Carol
[0] Freya Crescent
[0] Garnet "Dagger" Til Alexandros XVII
[0] Kuja
[0] Quina Quen
[0] Vivi Ornitier
[0] Zidane Tribal

[0] Braska
[0] Leblanc
[0] Paine
[0] Rikku
[0] Seymour Guado
[0] Shuyin
[0] Tidus
[0] Wakka
[0] Yuna

[0] Ashelia "Ashe" B'nargin Dalmasca
[0] Ffamran "Balthier" mied Bunansa
[0] Ktjn

[0] Claire "Lightning" Farron
[0] Oerba Dia Vanille
[0] Sazh Katzroy

[0] Alisaie Leveilleur
[0] Alphinaud Leveilleur
[0] Emet-Selch
[0] Venat
[0] Y'shtola Rhul

[0] Aranea Highwind
[0] Ardyn Izunia
[0] Cindy Aurum
[0] Ignis Scientia

[0] Cidolfus Telamon
[0] Clive Rosfield
[0] Torgal

[0] Agrias Oaks
[0] Argath Thadalfus
[0] Delita Hyral
[0] Ramza Beoulve
[0] Ritz Malheur

[0] Layle

[0] Jack Garland

[105] Cyan Garamonde : darkx-a1824, darkx-b5414, darkx-f3018, darkx-i2744, darkx-p2557, darkx-s0653, darkx-x3955, darkx-z1958, darkx-|2852, darkx-~3312, darkx-‹0744, darkx-3818, darkx-Ȓ2120, darkx-ȕ4654, darkx-ș1846, darkx-ȥ0938, darkx-ȧ2142, darkx-Ȫ0122, darkx-Ȭ4502, darkx-ȯ4516, darkx-Ȼ0542, darkx-Ⱦ0521, darkx-ɀ1214, darkx-ɂ3007, darkx-Ʉ0549, darkx-Ɇ5717, darkx-ɑ2803, darkx-ɕ2943, darkx-ɘ3931, darkx-ɚ5253, darkx-ɝ1739, darkx-ɪ3230, darkx-ɭ3443, darkx-ɯ0449, darkx-ɳ1637, darkx-ɸ2758, darkx-ɿ1107, darkx-ʅ3436, darkx-ʈ4347, darkx-ʌ0953, darkx-ʏ3341, darkx-ʚ3428, darkx-ʠ1237, darkx-ʠ1547, darkx-ʤ2425, darkx-ʥ2529, darkx-ʨ1332, darkx-ʫ2728, darkx-ʳ0300, darkx-ʸ3258, darkx-ͩ0429, darkx-ͱ2730, darkx-Ͷ1532, darkx-͹4326, darkx-΀0457, darkx-΋1939, darkx-Ύ3841, darkx-Α4501, darkx-Ε2831, darkx-Ζ5604, darkx-Ν4845, darkx-Τ2935, darkx-Φ5128, darkx-Ω3025, darkx-Ϋ3229, darkx-ή0007, darkx-ΰ4511, darkx-ν3517, darkx-σ3956, darkx-τ4049, darkx-ϓ1829, darkx-ϖ4227, darkx-Ϙ2353, darkx-ϝ0551, darkx-ϫ0420, darkx-ϰ3146, darkx-ϴ5515, darkx-ϸ2428, darkx-Ͽ1141, darkx-Ј3844, darkx-Ћ2418, darkx-З4550, darkx-М3709, darkx-Р5208, darkx-Т0938, darkx-Ф3946, darkx-Ч1403, darkx-Ъ2531, darkx-б3552, darkx-д5937, darkx-и1745, darkx-л4642, darkx-о1056, darkx-т0248, darkx-ф3325, darkx-ы1639, darkx-㒱4624, darkx-㓉5504, darkx-㓥1742, darkx-㓻0953, darkx-�4521, darkx-�3644, darkx-�0959, darkx-�1049, darkx-�3242
[38] Rinoa Heartilly : darkx-c5427, darkx-g3110, darkx-j2940, darkx-s0403, darkx-u3620, darkx-y3959, darkx-{2302, darkx-3349, darkx-4037, darkx-3818, darkx-“0902, darkx-”5716, darkx-–5555, darkx-™2424, darkx-£0739, darkx-ڬ3308, darkx-ڽ5400, darkx-ۃ0028, darkx-ۗ1016, darkx-ۛ1336, darkx-۟5942, darkx-܂5357, darkx-܈3910, darkx-ܤ4643, darkx-�3548, darkx-�3644, darkx-�1012, darkx-�4735, darkx-�1031, darkx-�0131, darkx-�3342, darkx-�3256, darkx-�1119, darkx-�5627, darkx-�3411, darkx-�5924, darkx-�0619, darkx-�2555
[15] Irvine Kinneas : darkx-c5427, darkx-Ȭ3700, darkx-Ⱥ2343, darkx-ȼ4251, darkx-Ɂ1851, darkx-ɒ2938, darkx-ɖ3319, darkx-ɚ0509, darkx-ɜ4635, darkx-ɞ2006, darkx-ɧ1522, darkx-ɪ4220, darkx-Ͳ4231, darkx-Ε3115, darkx-Θ0148
[96] Gilbert "Edward" Chris von Muir : darkx-e1151, darkx-j2940, darkx-u3620, darkx-~3023, darkx-3419, darkx-4037, darkx-©5700, darkx-Ä4318, darkx-È5252, darkx-ȣ4628, darkx-㒱4624, darkx-㓈5504, darkx-㓻0953, darkx-㔪1733, darkx-㕙1103, darkx-㕳0141, darkx-㖉4527, darkx-㗨3956, darkx-㘂4545, darkx-㘗2311, darkx-㙋0114, darkx-㙠3235, darkx-㙻0133, darkx-㚩4603, darkx-㛀3004, darkx-㛳0601, darkx-㜆4455, darkx-㜡4301, darkx-㞂0022, darkx-㞛3927, darkx-㞶1828, darkx-㟋2609, darkx-㟻3159, darkx-㠬1528, darkx-㡃0350, darkx-㡘3754, darkx-㡴0221, darkx-㢈3432, darkx-㢡5223, darkx-㣔3323, darkx-㤰4217, darkx-㥌1626, darkx-㥺0851, darkx-㦕5610, darkx-㧄2536, darkx-㧘3646, darkx-㧱0256, darkx-㨍4855, darkx-㨤0032, darkx-㨻0235, darkx-㩐3704, darkx-㩬4504, darkx-㪜2430, darkx-㪱2912, darkx-㫉1648, darkx-㫣0019, darkx-㫸3115, darkx-㬔0317, darkx-㭀2908, darkx-㭛1239, darkx-㭰4504, darkx-㮋4240, darkx-㮺5428, darkx-㰁3212, darkx-㰜0512, darkx-㱈3733, darkx-㱥4900, darkx-㱸3257, darkx-㲔5253, darkx-㲧3913, darkx-㳂4147, darkx-㳭3321, darkx-㴌5142, darkx-㴷5227, darkx-㵬4252, darkx-㶁5337, darkx-㶘3722, darkx-㶲1114, darkx-㷈0406, darkx-㷢1330, darkx-㷶2615, darkx-㹀4133, darkx-㹛2339, darkx-㹰0345, darkx-㺤0150, darkx-㺺5326, darkx-㼅3254, darkx-㼆5746, darkx-㼈0245, darkx-㼘0230, darkx-㼙1618, darkx-㼝2603, darkx-㼞2725, darkx-㼢3851, darkx-㼪3816, darkx-㼯1525
[8] Clyde "Shadow" Arrowny : darkx-e1329, darkx-g3110, darkx-{2302, darkx-ɒ2938, darkx-ɞ1917, darkx-ɳ1547, darkx-ʃ0238, darkx-Щ4738
[1] Kain Highwind : darkx-y3959
[3] Rydia of Mist : darkx-|2737, darkx-Ɂ2108, darkx-㷉0507
[12] Laguna Loire : darkx-}2934, darkx-Ã0958, darkx-Ø5450, darkx-à3539, darkx-ɧ1522, darkx-ʎ2416, darkx-ʝ4649, darkx-ʢ1936, darkx-φ1509, darkx-ϧ3442, darkx-Ѕ3742, darkx-㥍4600
[6] Theodor "Golbez" : darkx-}2934, darkx-Å4414, darkx-Ê5232, darkx-Õ5402, darkx-ʍ1031, darkx-ʚ3203
[10] Sabin Rene Figaro : darkx-~2955, darkx-“0902, darkx-×0506, darkx-Û5428, darkx-ɲ1538, darkx-ɶ2536, darkx-Њ3101, darkx-㒳2708, darkx-㓊0750, darkx-㮍4354
[2] Terra Branford : darkx-¬2024, darkx-ᯔ2905
[1] Cloud Strife : darkx-®2624
[18] Aeris Gainsborough : darkx-°4113, darkx-ʽ5007, darkx-ˋ3758, darkx-ᭋ4401, darkx-㨦2141, darkx-㰴0111, darkx-㲖5516, darkx-㷷4734, darkx-0830, darkx-0000, darkx-2450, darkx-3543, darkx-3754, darkx-3959, darkx-5725, darkx-0634, darkx-1553, darkx-1759
[3] Gilgamesh : darkx-»0611, darkx-Ù5536, darkx-ì1225
[11] Celes Chere : darkx-Ç3918, darkx-Ì0128, darkx-Ô5305, darkx-Þ2953, darkx-Ɇ5717, darkx-ʞ0811, darkx-ʦ2626, darkx-ˌ4048, darkx-ˍ4159, darkx-с0035, darkx-ь2047
[8] Kefka Palazzo : darkx-Ý0925, darkx-ß3145, darkx-í1315, darkx-î5514, darkx-ʢ2336, darkx-ж5544, darkx-м4804, darkx-ᬒ4458
[2] Rosa Joanna Farrell : darkx-ȣ4057, darkx-ȩ4633
[2] Galuf Halm Baldesion : darkx-ȧ2017, darkx-ɱ1113
[2] Cid Pollendina : darkx-ȧ2030, darkx-ۀ1748
[2] Quistis Trepe : darkx-ȩ4218, darkx-Ȯ5224
[1] Edea Kramer : darkx-Ȭ4323
[4] Locke Cole : darkx-ȼ3733, darkx-Ʉ1255, darkx-Ɉ5107, darkx-о0056
[2] Freya Crescent : darkx-ȿ2550, darkx-ɰ1041
[12] Zell Dincht : darkx-Ɇ1403, darkx-ɔ1617, darkx-ͳ4354, darkx-Θ0148, darkx-Μ4715, darkx-σ4123, darkx-φ1509, darkx-ۄ5408, darkx-㓼3656, darkx-㕀4934, darkx-㛵1743, darkx-㞜4116
[2] Wiegraf Folles : darkx-ɔ1617, darkx-ɗ3324
[2] Beatrix : darkx-ɕ2826, darkx-К0643
[3] Quina Quen : darkx-ɖ3319, darkx-ɛ4548, darkx-ʙ3158
[1] Meliadoul Tingel : darkx-ɗ3324
[2] Leblanc : darkx-ɚ0509, darkx-ʪ1458
[8] Zidane Tribal : darkx-ɜ2109, darkx-ɝ1913, darkx-ɵ1841, darkx-ɷ2637, darkx-ʛ3601, darkx-ʣ2407, darkx-ʧ2705, darkx-в4612
[1] Selphie Tilmitt : darkx-ʋ5005
[5] Vivi Ornitier : darkx-ʩ1439, darkx-Ф1645, darkx-г4623, darkx-й1830, darkx-п1218
[1] Yuffie Kisaragi : darkx-ʵ4443
[2] Ramza Beoulve : darkx-ˏ2205, darkx-˴2701
[3] Edgar Roni Figaro : darkx-Μ4715, darkx-㓊0750, darkx-�4521
[1] Lenne : darkx-ϸ1748
[5] Vincent Valentine : darkx-Л0658, darkx-и1208, darkx-э2101, darkx-я1806, darkx-㭜1913
[1] Tidus : darkx-Ц3819
[33] Golden Sun : darkx-Ⴑ2346, darkx-჎1808, darkx-ჟ3442, darkx-ჼ0145, darkx-ᄐ4119, darkx-ᄬ0048, darkx-ᅄ2325, darkx-ᅗ0403, darkx-ᅵ2906, darkx-ᆈ3606, darkx-ᆤ0325, darkx-ᆷ0257, darkx-ᇔ1021, darkx-ᇬ1313, darkx-ᇿ0516, darkx-ሜ0110, darkx-ሰ3358, darkx-ቌ1122, darkx-በ3329, darkx-ች0105, darkx-ኔ1134, darkx-ኧ0054, darkx-ዄ0225, darkx-ዘ3758, darkx-ዴ0148, darkx-ገ3817, darkx-ጤ0220, darkx-ጼ3829, darkx-ፏ1156, darkx-፬0216, darkx-ᎀ3418, darkx-᎜1548, darkx-Ꮀ4012
[23] Splatoon : darkx-Ⴒ3130, darkx-჏1847, darkx-ტ2147, darkx-ჽ1309, darkx-ᄒ5926, darkx-ᄮ3118, darkx-ᅅ3218, darkx-ᅘ0409, darkx-ᅷ0740, darkx-ᆋ0150, darkx-ᆤ0351, darkx-ᆷ0257, darkx-ᇔ1021, darkx-ᇬ1313, darkx-ᇿ0516, darkx-ሜ0110, darkx-ሰ3358, darkx-ቌ1122, darkx-በ3329, darkx-ች0105, darkx-ን1415, darkx-ከ0908, darkx-ዅ0533
[2] Sin & Punishment : darkx-Ⴓ3539, darkx-ჾ2838
[3] Style Savvy : darkx-Ⴔ3935, darkx-ა2150, darkx-უ4431
[2] Mario sports : darkx-Ⴕ3947, darkx-ᅇ3650
[154] Kirby : darkx-რ5955, darkx-ᆸ4104, darkx-ᇭ2415, darkx-ሀ1136, darkx-ም2648, darkx-቎1748, darkx-ኘ4544, darkx-ዷ1644, darkx-᫗0546, darkx-᫚2646, darkx-᫭1330, darkx-᫰4018, darkx-ᬹ0952, darkx-ᬼ0813, darkx-᭏3423, darkx-᭑0145, darkx-᭨5603, darkx-᭼3913, darkx-ᮔ5900, darkx-ᮣ0732, darkx-ᮨ3653, darkx-ᮬ3730, darkx-ᮾ0115, darkx-ᯂ1948, darkx-ᯃ0133, darkx-ᯄ5738, darkx-ᯅ3122, darkx-ᯆ0242, darkx-ᯇ5153, darkx-ᯑ2236, darkx-ᯒ0747, darkx-ᯕ0340, darkx-ᯖ0621, darkx-ᯘ2415, darkx-ᯙ2540, darkx-ᯜ3100, darkx-ᯞ2247, darkx-ᯡ1231, darkx-ᯤ4952, darkx-ᯫ0602, darkx-ᯬ2808, darkx-ᯮ5119, darkx-᯲3350, darkx-᯴3201, darkx-᯷1935, darkx-᯸2914, darkx-᯿1638, darkx-ᰃ0443, darkx-ᰅ4029, darkx-ᰋ0158, darkx-ᰌ1606, darkx-ᰎ2406, darkx-ᰏ5653, darkx-ᰒ3658, darkx-ᰓ4207, darkx-ᰣ0509, darkx-ᰤ0855, darkx-ᰧ3019, darkx-ᰯ1749, darkx-ᰵ4720, darkx-᰸4546, darkx-᰺5954, darkx-᰼0125, darkx-᰽3052, darkx-᰿4621, darkx-᱂0256, darkx-ᱎ1857, darkx-ᱏ4932, darkx-᱑1930, darkx-᱓5958, darkx-᱕0319, darkx-᱖4143, darkx-᱗4306, darkx-ᱣ3433, darkx-ᱤ3921, darkx-ᱥ3933, darkx-ᱨ3506, darkx-ᱫ5342, darkx-ᱬ4930, darkx-ᱭ5658, darkx-ᱯ0314, darkx-ᱰ3247, darkx-ᱺ0619, darkx-ᱼ2301, darkx-ᱽ3038, darkx-᱾3105, darkx-ᲀ4733, darkx-ᲃ5100, darkx-ᲅ0508, darkx-ᲆ3257, darkx-ᲇ1733, darkx-ᲈ2647, darkx-Ბ1543, darkx-Გ5527, darkx-Დ5542, darkx-Ვ3108, darkx-Ზ4049, darkx-Ი0334, darkx-Კ3347, darkx-Ლ5650, darkx-Მ4554, darkx-Ო3505, darkx-Პ5651, darkx-Ჟ5703, darkx-Ს0630, darkx-Ძ0631, darkx-Ჭ3850, darkx-Ჴ5009, darkx-᳄5343, darkx-᳇2841, darkx-᳈2948, darkx-᳌0619, darkx-ώ3640, darkx-ᾃ0700, darkx-ᾈ2857, darkx-ᾭ5429, darkx-ᾰ4204, darkx-ᾳ0820, darkx-Ᾱ5439, darkx-ῄ1329, darkx-Ὲ1559, darkx-῍1538, darkx-῝3753, darkx-Ὸ3806, darkx-Ώ0216, darkx-​0130, darkx-—0503, darkx-
3326, darkx-‬0512, darkx-‭3711, darkx-‷1607, darkx-⁁2424, darkx-⁂2918, darkx-⁃1901, darkx-⁚4650, darkx- 2343, darkx-⁶4146, darkx-⁷1916, darkx-⃀0048, darkx-䵪4639, darkx-䶂5900, darkx-䶚0103, darkx-䶞1056, darkx-䶠5846, darkx-䶣4706, darkx-䶦2240, darkx-䶩0125, darkx-䶵4020, darkx-䶻2219, darkx-䷁1853, darkx-䷕1721, darkx-䷽1511, darkx-中2221, darkx-串4746
[3] Kid Icarus : darkx-ᄓ5934, darkx-ህ0954, darkx-ሞ4740
[7] Super Smash Bros. : darkx-ᄭ0056, darkx-ᅆ3344, darkx-ᆥ4231, darkx-ጽ4505, darkx-Ꮸ2954, darkx-ᐬ4349, darkx-ᐯ4449
[2] Chibi-Robo : darkx-ᅈ3759, darkx-ᅚ2612
[11] Wario : darkx-ᅙ1044, darkx-ᆻ4712, darkx-ዶ1415, darkx-᭧2331, darkx-᭵3807, darkx-ᮠ2057, darkx-ᮬ1556, darkx-ᯄ1554, darkx-ᯔ2905, darkx-ᾟ5955, darkx-䶠5205
[5] Pokemon : darkx-ᆥ4231, darkx-ዛ5154, darkx-፮2037, darkx-ᏸ5000, darkx-ᐔ2942
[6] Punch-Out!! : darkx-ᆦ4641, darkx-ᆸ4104, darkx-ᇭ2415, darkx-ሀ1136, darkx-ም2648, darkx-ቼ0036
[3] Rhythm Heaven : darkx-ᆦ5752, darkx-ᇲ5934, darkx-ሄ0938
[1] Nintendo Wars : darkx-ᆼ0724
[3] Fire Emblem : darkx-ᇲ5934, darkx-ሴ4616, darkx-ካ3649
[4] MOTHER : darkx-ሄ0938, darkx-ሳ4344, darkx-ቍ1325, darkx-᎞2841
[4] Xenoblade Chronicles : darkx-ሞ4740, darkx-቎1724, darkx-ኖ1657, darkx-዆1258
[1] Pokemon Mystery Dungeon : darkx-ሠ4358
[3] Metroid Prime : darkx-ሠ4537, darkx-቏5947, darkx-ቼ0036
[4] Animal Crossing : darkx-ሳ0843, darkx-ፑ1518, darkx-፭1804, darkx-᎟3606
[2] Trace Memory : darkx-ሴ2731, darkx-ቐ1212
[2] F-Zero : darkx-ኁ2627, darkx-ኩ0909
[1] Mario Kart : darkx-ኁ2811
[4] Star Fox : darkx-ኗ4247, darkx-ኪ1001, darkx-ጧ1142, darkx-᎝2131
[1] Metroid : darkx-዇3140
[1] Super Mario : darkx-ጊ5906
[1] Donkey Kong : darkx-፯3227
[6] Oerba Yun Fang : darkx-ᶻ1217, darkx-ᷖ0938, darkx-ᷗ3308, darkx-ᷤ1154, darkx-ᷧ0908, darkx-ᷨ4301
[4] Isaac : darkx-᫗0546, darkx-᫚2753, darkx-᫪5946, darkx-᫭1330
[35] Lloyd Irving : darkx-᫗0546, darkx-᫚2646, darkx-᫭1330, darkx-᫰4018, darkx-ᬝ1109, darkx-ᬡ4603, darkx-ᬫ0848, darkx-ᬭ1414, darkx-ᬰ5904, darkx-᬴5146, darkx-ᬸ0144, darkx-ᬺ5808, darkx-ᭂ4951, darkx-ᭇ0733, darkx-ᭉ5720, darkx-ᭌ0702, darkx-᭎2752, darkx-᭑0145, darkx-᭘2921, darkx-᭛0255, darkx-᭠3226, darkx-᭠4008, darkx-᭤4209, darkx-᭥5628, darkx-᭧5125, darkx-᭩4942, darkx-᭳1133, darkx-᭵5708, darkx-᭸3522, darkx-᭺1857, darkx-᭻0147, darkx-᭽4426, darkx-ᮐ0310, darkx-ᮓ0124, darkx-ᮕ0833
[75] Chloe Price : darkx-᫚2646, darkx-ᬡ4603, darkx-ᬲ0613, darkx-᭑0145, darkx-᭛0255, darkx-᭠4008, darkx-᭤4209, darkx-᭩4927, darkx-᭵5708, darkx-᭸3522, darkx-᭺1857, darkx-᭽4426, darkx-ᮐ0310, darkx-ᮓ0124, darkx-ᮕ0833, darkx-ᮣ0732, darkx-ᮨ3653, darkx-ᮬ3730, darkx-᮰2501, darkx-ᮾ0115, darkx-ᯂ1948, darkx-ᯄ5738, darkx-ᯇ5153, darkx-ᯑ2236, darkx-ᯒ0747, darkx-ᯒ3908, darkx-ᯕ0340, darkx-ᯘ2415, darkx-ᯞ2247, darkx-ᯡ1231, darkx-ᯤ4952, darkx-ᯫ0602, darkx-ᯬ2808, darkx-ᯮ5119, darkx-᯲3350, darkx-᯷1935, darkx-ᰃ0443, darkx-ᰋ4338, darkx-ᰍ3526, darkx-ᰏ1145, darkx-ᰑ5405, darkx-ᰓ4207, darkx-ᰣ0509, darkx-ᰯ1749, darkx-ᰵ4720, darkx-᰺5954, darkx-᰿4621, darkx-ᱎ1857, darkx-ᱏ4932, darkx-᱖4143, darkx-᱗4306, darkx-ᱣ3433, darkx-ᱨ3506, darkx-ᱬ4930, darkx-ᱰ3247, darkx-ᱼ2301, darkx-ᱽ3038, darkx-ᲀ4733, darkx-ᲃ5100, darkx-ᲇ1733, darkx-Ბ1543, darkx-Გ5527, darkx-Დ5542, darkx-Ვ3108, darkx-Ზ4049, darkx-Ი0334, darkx-Კ3347, darkx-Მ4554, darkx-Ო3505, darkx-Პ5141, darkx-Პ5651, darkx-Ჟ5703, darkx-Ს0630, darkx-Ყ1620, darkx-Შ2638
[25] Nathan Drake : darkx-᫪5946, darkx-᫰4158, darkx-ᬝ1109, darkx-ᬫ0848, darkx-ᬭ1414, darkx-ᬰ5904, darkx-᬴5146, darkx-ᬸ0144, darkx-ᬺ5808, darkx-ᭂ4951, darkx-ᭇ0733, darkx-ᭉ5720, darkx-ᭌ0743, darkx-᭎2752, darkx-᭝3658, darkx-᭠4008, darkx-᭤4209, darkx-᭥5628, darkx-᭧5125, darkx-᭩4942, darkx-᭳1133, darkx-᭵3807, darkx-᭵5708, darkx-᭺1857, darkx-᭻0147
[12] Ike : darkx-᫪5946, darkx-ᬑ1013, darkx-ᭆ1956, darkx-᭠3226, darkx-᭣3236, darkx-᭧1743, darkx-ᮠ2057, darkx-ᮥ5937, darkx-ᯇ0755, darkx-ᯔ2905, darkx-⃽1820, darkx-℆5801
[7] Shovel Knight : darkx-᫪5946, darkx-ᬰ5254, darkx-ᬳ0709, darkx-ᭅ1750, darkx-ᭉ4656, darkx-ᭋ4401, darkx-᭐4004
[40] Shantae : darkx-᫭1330, darkx-ᬝ1109, darkx-ᬡ4603, darkx-ᬫ0848, darkx-ᬭ1414, darkx-ᬰ5904, darkx-᬴5146, darkx-ᬺ5808, darkx-ᭂ4951, darkx-ᭇ0733, darkx-ᭌ0702, darkx-᭛0255, darkx-᭸3522, darkx-᭻0147, darkx-᭽4426, darkx-ᮮ3956, darkx-᮰2501, darkx-ᮼ5837, darkx-ᮿ2241, darkx-ᯁ2631, darkx-ᯂ1948, darkx-ᯄ5738, darkx-ᯇ5153, darkx-ᯑ2236, darkx-ᯒ0747, darkx-ᯒ3908, darkx-ᯕ0340, darkx-ᯘ2415, darkx-ᯙ2540, darkx-ᯝ3137, darkx-ᯞ2247, darkx-ᯟ3936, darkx-ᯡ1231, darkx-ᯤ4952, darkx-ᯫ0602, darkx-ᯮ5119, darkx-ᯱ0355, darkx-᯲3350, darkx-᯿1638, darkx-ᰅ4029
[13] Miles Edgeworth : darkx-᫰4018, darkx-ᮺ2608, darkx-ᯖ0621, darkx-ᯝ3137, darkx-᱋0825, darkx-᱕0319, darkx-᱙3333, darkx-ᱡ4914, darkx-ᱱ5005, darkx-ᲂ0627, darkx-ᲃ1506, darkx-ᲆ3257, darkx-Ჭ3850
[3] Cecil Harvey : darkx-ᬑ1013, darkx-ᭉ4656, darkx-ᯄ1554
[6] Riku : darkx-ᬑ1013, darkx-ᬳ0709, darkx-ᬹ0952, darkx-᭏3423, darkx-ᯃ3242, darkx-ᯤ1018
[1] Sora : darkx-ᬒ4458
[2] Ryu : darkx-ᬒ4458, darkx-ᬟ4840
[1] Ryo Hazuki : darkx-ᬝ0914
[29] Frog : darkx-ᬟ4840, darkx-ᬲ0613, darkx-ᬼ0813, darkx-᭏3423, darkx-᭒0432, darkx-᭼3913, darkx-ᮻ3841, darkx-ᮿ2241, darkx-ᯁ2631, darkx-ᯃ0133, darkx-ᯃ3242, darkx-ᯆ0242, darkx-ᯇ0755, darkx-ᯒ3908, darkx-ᯗ0840, darkx-ᯢ5802, darkx-ᯤ1018, darkx-ᯩ1442, darkx-ᯯ5331, darkx-ᰀ2846, darkx-᱌0839, darkx-ᱍ1119, darkx-ᱢ5713, darkx-ᱰ0606, darkx-ᱲ5157, darkx-ᱻ1136, darkx-᱿3634, darkx-Ე5938, darkx-Თ5543
[3] Mario : darkx-ᬟ4840, darkx-ᭅ1750, darkx-―3942
[57] Rosalina : darkx-ᬰ5254, darkx-ᬳ0709, darkx-ᬶ3003, darkx-ᬸ0246, darkx-᭄1612, darkx-ᭈ3803, darkx-ᭉ5720, darkx-᭎2847, darkx-᭒0432, darkx-᭘2921, darkx-᭝3658, darkx-᭣3236, darkx-᭦0229, darkx-᭧5138, darkx-᭳1133, darkx-ᮞ4936, darkx-᮫0049, darkx-ᮮ3956, darkx-ᮻ3841, darkx-ᯃ3242, darkx-ᯅ3122, darkx-ᯆ0242, darkx-ᯓ5426, darkx-ᯗ0840, darkx-ᯙ2540, darkx-ᯜ3100, darkx-ᯟ3936, darkx-ᯬ2808, darkx-ᯮ3344, darkx-ᯯ5331, darkx-᯵3357, darkx-᯸2914, darkx-ᰅ5154, darkx-ᰓ1041, darkx-ᰘ3136, darkx-ᾄ1758, darkx-ᾓ0743, darkx-ᾛ0838, darkx-ᾝ2707, darkx-ᾱ4810, darkx-ᾴ2057, darkx-ᾶ1028, darkx-Ᾰ2514, darkx-Ά0128, darkx-ᾼ0910, darkx-῅1352, darkx-ῆ3139, darkx-Έ1642, darkx-Ὴ3910, darkx-῎2702, darkx-䵜2732, darkx-䵪1542, darkx-䵮1140, darkx-䵯0240, darkx-䵳0440, darkx-䶂5900, darkx-䶋1859
[13] Pikachu : darkx-ᬰ5254, darkx-ᭆ1956, darkx-᭥5317, darkx-ᮥ5937, darkx-ᮬ1556, darkx-ᯄ1554, darkx-ᯇ0755, darkx-ᯓ5426, darkx-ᯮ3344, darkx-῿1707, darkx-䶨5120, darkx-䶷1423, darkx-丆2005
[3] Godot : darkx-ᬲ0613, darkx-᭒0432, darkx-᱖1501
[42] Luigi : darkx-ᬶ3003, darkx-ᬹ0952, darkx-᭄1612, darkx-ᭈ3803, darkx-᭠3226, darkx-᭨5603, darkx-ᮔ5900, darkx-ᮖ4647, darkx-᮫0049, darkx-ᯃ0133, darkx-ᯃ3242, darkx-ᯅ3122, darkx-ᯆ0242, darkx-ᯒ3908, darkx-ᯗ0840, darkx-ᯝ3137, darkx-ᯟ3936, darkx-ᯢ5802, darkx-ᯮ3344, darkx-ᯯ5331, darkx-ᯱ0355, darkx-᯴3201, darkx-᯵3357, darkx-᯸2914, darkx-᯿1638, darkx-ᾄ5433, darkx-ᾕ4241, darkx-ᾛ3945, darkx-ᾞ4614, darkx-ᾱ4810, darkx-ᾴ2057, darkx-ᾶ5121, darkx-䵧4017, darkx-䵪1542, darkx-䵰2334, darkx-䵴1454, darkx-䶥1254, darkx-䶨5120, darkx-䶷1423, darkx-䶾5336, darkx-䷌0941, darkx-䷏4633
[10] Shadow the Hedgehog : darkx-ᬶ3003, darkx-ᭈ3803, darkx-᭐4004, darkx-᭘2921, darkx-᭝3658, darkx-᭨5603, darkx-᭼4037, darkx-ᮞ5148, darkx-ᯄ1554, darkx-ᯇ0755
[6] Magus : darkx-᭄1612, darkx-᭐4004, darkx-᭣3236, darkx-ᯓ5426, darkx-ᯩ1442, darkx-ᰀ2846
[6] Mega Man : darkx-ᭅ1750, darkx-᭥5317, darkx-᭵3807, darkx-䶈3131, darkx-䶠5205, darkx-䶵2910
[5] Sonic the Hedgehog : darkx-ᭆ1956, darkx-᭧1743, darkx-ῇ5715, darkx-‽4136, darkx-⁛5028
[2] Waluigi : darkx-ᭉ4656, darkx-ᯔ2905
[3] Bayonetta : darkx-ᭋ4401, darkx-᭥5317, darkx-䵬3229
[1] Amaterasu : darkx-ᮣ0635
[4] Ness : darkx-ᮼ5837, darkx-´3631, darkx-䵰2334, darkx-䷖3434
[6] Ganondorf : darkx-ᯓ5504, darkx-ᯩ1442, darkx-ᰀ2846, darkx-ᰎ5732, darkx-ᱍ1119, darkx-⁡0614
[1] Jill Valentine : darkx-ᯘ2222
[1] Knuckles the Echidna : darkx-ᯤ1018
[1] Mega Man X : darkx-ᯫ0204
[1] Velvet Crowe : darkx-ᯫ0204
[1] Alucard : darkx-ᯫ0216
[1] Zero : darkx-᱖1501
[1] Yoshi : darkx-ᱨ3323
[1] Master Hand : darkx-ᱨ3323
[1] Phoenix Wright : darkx-ᱰ0606
[89] Chrom : darkx-ᾀ4029, darkx-ᾃ3754, darkx-ᾉ1607, darkx-ᾐ2510, darkx-ᾘ3725, darkx-ᾝ2707, darkx-ᾭ5429, darkx-ᾰ4204, darkx-ᾳ0820, darkx-᾵5015, darkx-Ᾰ2514, darkx-Ᾱ5439, darkx-Ά0128, darkx-ῄ1329, darkx-῅1352, darkx-Ὲ1559, darkx-Έ1642, darkx-῍1538, darkx-῎2702, darkx-ῖ5631, darkx-Ί0134, darkx-῝3753, darkx-ῠ3353, darkx-ῤ2042, darkx-ῥ3254, darkx-`1736, darkx-῰2814, darkx-῵3318, darkx-Ὸ3806, darkx-Ώ0216, darkx-ῼ3449, darkx- 1917, darkx- 2145, darkx-​0130, darkx-‍4054, darkx-‐4048, darkx-–0019, darkx-―4945, darkx-‟1859, darkx-‣0756, darkx-‥3217, darkx-
4200, darkx-‫0145, darkx-‬0512, darkx-‮4708, darkx-‰0017, darkx-‷1607, darkx-‸2735, darkx-⁁2424, darkx-⁂2918, darkx-⁃1901, darkx-⁄1945, darkx-䵕2018, darkx-䵛3201, darkx-䵟3649, darkx-䵧4017, darkx-䵩3453, darkx-䵭0720, darkx-䵯0240, darkx-䵱3612, darkx-䵳0440, darkx-䵶5528, darkx-䵸1702, darkx-䶁2035, darkx-䶅1146, darkx-䶋4407, darkx-䶍4922, darkx-䶘3648, darkx-䶞1056, darkx-䶟3224, darkx-䶠5846, darkx-䶣4706, darkx-䶦2240, darkx-䶧2405, darkx-䶩0125, darkx-䶪0603, darkx-䶵4020, darkx-䶷1423, darkx-䶺2031, darkx-䶼3851, darkx-䶿5829, darkx-䷁1853, darkx-䷉1216, darkx-䷍3823, darkx-䷎4040, darkx-䷐4639, darkx-䷒0153, darkx-䷔1101, darkx-䷖3822
[3] Dark Pit : darkx-ᾅ5344, darkx-ᾞ4614, darkx-䵘2330
[8] Captain Olimar : darkx-ᾟ5955, darkx-ᾭ1553, darkx-ᾰ2023, darkx-᾽2837, darkx-ῌ4523, darkx- 1823, darkx-䵸0808, darkx-䶣0208
[2] Inkling : darkx-ᾭ1553, darkx-ΰ0023
[1] Pit : darkx-ᾰ2805
[34] Lucina : darkx-᾵2139, darkx-ῳ1240, darkx- 1610, darkx-—0503, darkx-‭3711, darkx-‮4528, darkx-‽4136, darkx-⁅3828, darkx-⁑3754, darkx-⁖3259, darkx-⁘5602, darkx-⁜4550, darkx- 2343, darkx-⁡2241, darkx-1155, darkx-2444, darkx-⁷1916, darkx-⃀0048, darkx-䵜5913, darkx-䵫2319, darkx-䵰2334, darkx-䵴1422, darkx-䵸0743, darkx-䶣0208, darkx-䶥1254, darkx-䶨5120, darkx-䶪0603, darkx-䶴2048, darkx-䶵2838, darkx-䶻2219, darkx-䶾5336, darkx-䷌0941, darkx-䷏4633, darkx-䷕1721
[2] Little Mac : darkx-᾵2139, darkx-ᾷ1134
[40] Richter Belmont : darkx-ᾼ0910, darkx-ῆ3139, darkx-Ὴ3910, darkx-ῖ5631, darkx-Ί0134, darkx-ῠ3353, darkx-ΰ0023, darkx-ῤ2042, darkx-ῥ3254, darkx-`1736, darkx-῵3318, darkx-ῼ3449, darkx- 1917, darkx-‍4054, darkx-‐4048, darkx-–0019, darkx-―4945, darkx-‟1859, darkx-‣0756, darkx-‥3217, darkx-‫0145, darkx-‮4708, darkx-‰0017, darkx-‸2735, darkx-※0653, darkx-⁄1945, darkx-⁖4034, darkx-⁘2152, darkx-⁚4650, darkx-⁜4550, darkx-䵬0149, darkx-䶘3648, darkx-䶟3224, darkx-乚1928, darkx-乜0403, darkx-九2321, darkx-习3444, darkx-乣0858, darkx-书0943, darkx-乧1305
[8] Squirtle : darkx-᾽2837, darkx-―3942, darkx-⁅3828, darkx-䵜2732, darkx-䵪4639, darkx-䶥1148, darkx-䶴2048, darkx-䶽4140
[1] Ivysaur : darkx-ῇ5715
[2] Simon Belmont : darkx-ῌ4637, darkx-´3631
[1] Zelda : darkx-῝3456
[2] Toon Link : darkx-῝3456, darkx-䵮5248
[1] Samus Aran : darkx-ῤ0331
[1] Link : darkx-ῤ0331
[25] Pichu : darkx-῰2814, darkx-ῳ1240, darkx- 2145, darkx-※0653, darkx-⁑3754, darkx-⁘5602, darkx-⁡0614, darkx-⁡2241, darkx-1155, darkx-2444, darkx-䵫2319, darkx-䵮1140, darkx-䵯0240, darkx-䵱3612, darkx-䶈2947, darkx-䶚0103, darkx-䶟3224, darkx-䶣0208, darkx-䶧2405, darkx-䶪0603, darkx-䶴2048, darkx-䷒0153, darkx-䷥0741, darkx-䷪4502, darkx-义5056
[5] Jigglypuff : darkx-῿1707, darkx- 1610, darkx-⁘2152, darkx-䵜5913, darkx-䵴1454
[2] Falco Lombardi : darkx-‮4528, darkx-䶵2838
[1] Bowser Koopa : darkx-⁛5028
[1] X-ATM092 : darkx-㒳2708
[8] Sazh Katzroy : darkx-㓥1742, darkx-㕀4834, darkx-㖸3740, darkx-㛂3528, darkx-㝬4627, darkx-㞷4322, darkx-�3053, darkx-5641
[1] Setzer Gabbiani : darkx-㓼3656
[2] Oerba Dia Vanille : darkx-㨏0449, darkx-�2611
[1] Claire "Lightning" Farron : darkx-㫤1703
[1] Auron : darkx-㭂0718
[1] Garnet "Dagger" Til Alexandros XVII : darkx-㰝2112
[1] Braska : darkx-㰞2439
[1] Red Mage : darkx-㷣4143
[78] Lady Palutena : darkx-䵕2018, darkx-䵘2330, darkx-䵛3201, darkx-䵟3649, darkx-䵩3453, darkx-䵭0720, darkx-䵱3612, darkx-䵳0440, darkx-䵶5528, darkx-䵸1702, darkx-䶁2035, darkx-䶅1146, darkx-䶋1859, darkx-䶋4407, darkx-䶍4922, darkx-䶘3648, darkx-䶚0103, darkx-䶞1056, darkx-䶠5846, darkx-䶣4706, darkx-䶦2240, darkx-䶧2405, darkx-䶩0125, darkx-䶵4020, darkx-䶺2031, darkx-䶼3851, darkx-䶽3907, darkx-䶿5829, darkx-䷉1216, darkx-䷍3823, darkx-䷎4040, darkx-䷐4639, darkx-䷔1101, darkx-䷖3822, darkx-䷝4604, darkx-䷢5130, darkx-䷥1842, darkx-䷨2500, darkx-䷫3448, darkx-䷭2722, darkx-䷺5235, darkx-一1939, darkx-丄1633, darkx-丅1909, darkx-万3416, darkx-丈3506, darkx-与4237, darkx-丒4833, darkx-丕0835, darkx-丘2054, darkx-业4609, darkx-东4600, darkx-丞4934, darkx-丠1026, darkx-丠1212, darkx-並4107, darkx-个5332, darkx-丬2029, darkx-丮1857, darkx-丯3730, darkx-丱1729, darkx-丳2013, darkx-临5631, darkx-丵4322, darkx-丸5247, darkx-为1459, darkx-为2327, darkx-主3707, darkx-乃5205, darkx-久0821, darkx-乆5018, darkx-么2251, darkx-乊2646, darkx-之3505, darkx-乍3307, darkx-乏0104, darkx-乐0254, darkx-乑3658
[1] Robin : darkx-䵬0149
[1] Lucario : darkx-䵬3229
[2] Diddy Kong : darkx-䵮5248, darkx-䵳0236
[1] Mr. Game & Watch : darkx-䶅0525
[2] Ice Climbers : darkx-䶅0525, darkx-䶠5220
[1] Greninja : darkx-万3206
[1] Zero Suit Samus : darkx-乙5654
[1] Mewtwo : darkx-九2014
[1] Shulk : darkx-也4210
[10] Marowak : darkx-쀜3647, darkx-쀞0256, darkx-쀱1204, darkx-쀲2551, darkx-쀵2129, darkx-쀶1238, darkx-쀸3458, darkx-쁀4157, darkx-쁆1630, darkx-쁍0158
[4] Grimer : darkx-쀜3647, darkx-쀠2520, darkx-쀰2632, darkx-쀲2551
[1] Sandslash : darkx-쀞0256
[1] Raticate : darkx-쀠2520
[1] Diglett : darkx-쀰2632
[4] Muk : darkx-쀱1204, darkx-쀵2129, darkx-쀶1238, darkx-쁇2132
[3] Farfetch'd : darkx-쁽2807, darkx-삀1008, darkx-삁1820
[3] Mr. Mime : darkx-쁽2807, darkx-삀1008, darkx-삁1820
[1] Sirfetch'd : darkx-샇5541
[14] Clive Rosfield : darkx-�3610, darkx-�5131, darkx-�1012, darkx-�3234, darkx-�3217, darkx-�0236, darkx-�5226, darkx-�2555, darkx-�2105, darkx-3956, darkx-3424, darkx-2358, darkx-5349, darkx-2915
[1] Jecht : darkx-�1308
[1] Red XIII : darkx-�5120
[1] Seifer Almasy : darkx-�5039
[1] Sephiroth : darkx-0528

[207] Squall Leonhart : darkx-a0000, darkx-b5414, darkx-f3018, darkx-i2744, darkx-p2557, darkx-s0653, darkx-x3955, darkx-z1958, darkx-|2852, darkx-~3312, darkx-‹0744, darkx-”5716, darkx-–5555, darkx-™2424, darkx-Ÿ1646, darkx-¥3652, darkx-¨3933, darkx-ª4943, darkx-¬5637, darkx-¯2412, darkx-±2336, darkx-·1330, darkx-½3430, darkx-À3723, darkx-Ã4040, darkx-Æ3905, darkx-É4816, darkx-Ó4348, darkx-×4339, darkx-Ú5328, darkx-Ý2850, darkx-ß3445, darkx-ë1129, darkx-í5416, darkx-ȧ2142, darkx-Ȫ0222, darkx-Ȭ4502, darkx-ȯ4516, darkx-Ȼ0542, darkx-Ⱦ3533, darkx-ɀ1214, darkx-ɂ3007, darkx-Ʌ5117, darkx-Ɉ5107, darkx-ɑ2803, darkx-ɕ2943, darkx-ɘ3931, darkx-ɭ4158, darkx-ɴ1722, darkx-ʜ3606, darkx-ʟ1132, darkx-ʡ1840, darkx-ʫ1621, darkx-ʰ2626, darkx-ʻ0549, darkx-ʻ5132, darkx-ʽ5231, darkx-ˉ0301, darkx-ˋ3935, darkx-ˎ4203, darkx-Ͷ1532, darkx-͹4326, darkx-΀0457, darkx-΋1939, darkx-Ύ3841, darkx-Α4501, darkx-Ζ5604, darkx-Ν4845, darkx-Τ2935, darkx-Φ5128, darkx-Ω3025, darkx-Ϋ3229, darkx-ή0007, darkx-ΰ4511, darkx-ν3517, darkx-τ4049, darkx-ϓ1829, darkx-ϖ4227, darkx-Ϙ2353, darkx-ϭ4549, darkx-϶1614, darkx-Ϲ5000, darkx-Ѓ0311, darkx-Ѝ0339, darkx-И5159, darkx-Н3740, darkx-У1233, darkx-Ш4032, darkx-р3148, darkx-у0544, darkx-ъ4305, darkx-э5046, darkx-я5837, darkx-ё0742, darkx-ђ1004, darkx-ѓ1952, darkx-є4006, darkx-ѕ5430, darkx-ї1527, darkx-ѣ0605, darkx-ѥ3529, darkx-Ѩ4116, darkx-ѫ4214, darkx-Ѭ5703, darkx-ڿ1344, darkx-ۆ0331, darkx-ۗ1016, darkx-ۛ1336, darkx-۟5942, darkx-܂5357, darkx-܈3910, darkx-ܤ4643, darkx-޷5055, darkx-᫗0546, darkx-ᬼ0813, darkx-ᮖ4647, darkx-ᮺ2608, darkx-ᯂ1948, darkx-ᯃ0133, darkx-ᯄ5738, darkx-ᯅ3122, darkx-ᯇ5153, darkx-ᯑ2236, darkx-ᯒ0747, darkx-ᯖ0621, darkx-ᯜ3100, darkx-ᯢ5802, darkx-ᯱ0355, darkx-᯴3201, darkx-᯵3357, darkx-᯷1935, darkx-ᰃ0443, darkx-ᰍ0651, darkx-ᰐ2903, darkx-ᰘ3136, darkx-ᰤ0855, darkx-ᰧ3225, darkx-᰸4546, darkx-᰼0125, darkx-᰽3052, darkx-᱂0256, darkx-᱋0825, darkx-᱌0839, darkx-᱑1930, darkx-᱓5958, darkx-᱙3333, darkx-ᱡ4903, darkx-ᱢ5713, darkx-ᱤ3921, darkx-ᱥ3933, darkx-ᱫ5342, darkx-ᱭ5658, darkx-ᱯ0314, darkx-ᱱ5005, darkx-ᱲ5157, darkx-ᱺ0619, darkx-ᱻ1136, darkx-᱾3105, darkx-᱿3634, darkx-ᲂ0627, darkx-ᲃ1506, darkx-ᲅ0508, darkx-ᲈ2647, darkx-Ე5938, darkx-Თ5543, darkx-Ლ5650, darkx-Პ5141, darkx-Ყ1802, darkx-Შ2638, darkx-Ძ0631, darkx-㔪1733, darkx-㕙1103, darkx-㕳0141, darkx-㖉4527, darkx-㚓5555, darkx-㚪5242, darkx-㜣2005, darkx-㟼3236, darkx-㡵1253, darkx-㢣1134, darkx-㧳4254, darkx-㨥0333, darkx-㪲4112, darkx-㰲5725, darkx-㲨4126, darkx-㹜5247, darkx-彩0811, darkx-彫2240, darkx-彯4125, darkx-彰4457, darkx-彲1034, darkx-彳1900, darkx-彵1348, darkx-彶4759, darkx-役2950, darkx-徇5424, darkx-쁞3346, darkx-�3548, darkx-�3610, darkx-�5131, darkx-�4147, darkx-�4718, darkx-�0530, darkx-�2753, darkx-3254, darkx-0407, darkx-5811