STATS » Savers » MadamEglat » Series Counts

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Count Saves

Saves Ranking

18 58
Series # % Primary # %
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 13 22.41% Sheik 13 100.00%
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Binding Blade 10 17.24% Marth 10 100.00%
Splatoon 9 15.52% Inkling 9 100.00%
Castlevania 4 6.90% Simon Belmont 4 100.00%
Super Mario Bros. 4 6.90% Luigi 2 50.00%
Robot series 3 5.17% R.O.B. 3 100.00%
Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow 3 5.17% Jigglypuff 3 100.00%
Super Nintendo Entertainment System 2 3.45% Yoshi 2 100.00%
F-Zero 2 3.45% Captain Falcon 2 100.00%
Fire Emblem Awakening 1 1.72% Chrom 1 100.00%
Wii Fit 1 1.72% Wii Fit Trainer 1 100.00%
Star Fox 1 1.72% Falco Lombardi 1 100.00%
Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade 1 1.72% Roy 1 100.00%
Wario series 1 1.72% Wario 1 100.00%
Wii series 1 1.72% Mii Gunner 1 100.00%
Metroid 1 1.72% Samus Aran 1 100.00%
Donkey Kong 1 1.72% Diddy Kong 1 100.00%
Series # % Primary # %